Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #51 of 124: Robin Russell (rrussell8) Wed 30 Aug 06 07:28
permalink #51 of 124: Robin Russell (rrussell8) Wed 30 Aug 06 07:28
Ah yes, Warlock! Barry Smith's inks for Conan the Barbarian (the first twenty-odd issues) are superb comics from that era. Marvel-ous!
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #52 of 124: Paul B. Israel (pauli) Wed 30 Aug 06 08:57
permalink #52 of 124: Paul B. Israel (pauli) Wed 30 Aug 06 08:57
73 and 74 of course had that amazing sound system designed to bring out each instrument.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #53 of 124: Bryan Miller (bamfinney) Wed 30 Aug 06 15:43
permalink #53 of 124: Bryan Miller (bamfinney) Wed 30 Aug 06 15:43
Paul, Hows that list comin'? Can't wait to review it. You got my email, right?
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #54 of 124: Paul B. Israel (pauli) Wed 30 Aug 06 18:01
permalink #54 of 124: Paul B. Israel (pauli) Wed 30 Aug 06 18:01
Bryan, I just emailed the list to you.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #55 of 124: Bryan Miller (bamfinney) Wed 30 Aug 06 20:31
permalink #55 of 124: Bryan Miller (bamfinney) Wed 30 Aug 06 20:31
thanks Paul, I've sent you two in reply already. I can't wait!!!!
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #56 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 01:10
permalink #56 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 01:10
<scribbled by tnf Fri 28 Dec 07 01:10>
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #57 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 01:14
permalink #57 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 01:14
I was poking around the net looking for info on "Lady of Carlisle" (getting ready to play an Ian and Sylvia recording of it on the radio), and I found this: (excerpt) Then up spoke this fair young lady, Saying "I can't be but one man's bride But if you'll come back tomorrow morning, On this case we will decide. " She ordered her a span of horses, A span of horses at her command; And down the road these three did travel Till they come to the lions' den. There she stopped and there she halted These two soldiers stood gazing around, And for the space of half an hour, This young lady lies speechless on the ground. And when she did recover, Threw her fan down in the lion's den Saying, "Which of you to gain a lady Will return her fan again?" (In Hunter's version, we meet the soldier and the sailor first. Then the lady arrives, by way of a door in the fire - how cool is that! This bit of research is making me love "Lady With a Fan" all over again.) Anyway, I'm wondering what's up with this bit - There she stopped and there she halted These two soldiers stood gazing around, And for the space of half an hour, This young lady lies speechless on the ground. They're parked in front of a lion's den. The men are gazing around, presumably on the lookout for lions, and she TAKES A NAP? I don't geddit.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #58 of 124: Lightning in a Box (unkljohn) Fri 28 Dec 07 05:33
permalink #58 of 124: Lightning in a Box (unkljohn) Fri 28 Dec 07 05:33
You know, I'm wondering if this is the same song I heard late at night several years ago on our local NPR station (WUNC). I regret not calling the station right then to find out about it, but I swear he said it was called "The Carolina Lady" but I could have misheard. It sounded very similar and was also from the 1930's so it prolly is the same song. It blew my mind that night.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #59 of 124: Gary Burnett (jera) Fri 28 Dec 07 06:18
permalink #59 of 124: Gary Burnett (jera) Fri 28 Dec 07 06:18
>> she TAKES A NAP? Maybe she swooned? Or was in the throws of some sort of spell?
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #60 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:09
permalink #60 of 124: David Gans (tnf) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:09
Alex Allan posted a reply on my blog: With a link to his research on the GD Lyrics and Song Finder: It was more of a late-night stoned goof than a serious question, but I was glad to see what Alex has come up with.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #61 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:18
permalink #61 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:18
Swooning makes sense, but the ground she falls down on in the second to last verse here isn't inside the lion's den and, by inference, must be above where the lions are, because in the last stanza here, it says that: <And when she did recover, Threw her fan DOWN IN the lion's den> This is before she asks the soldiers to recover her fan, "again." [Maybe the Coliseums back then had Corporate suites for the Lords and Ladies to chill out in while the games were played.]
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #62 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:19
permalink #62 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Fri 28 Dec 07 09:19
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #63 of 124: Alex Allan (alexallan) Sun 30 Dec 07 13:48
permalink #63 of 124: Alex Allan (alexallan) Sun 30 Dec 07 13:48
I've been digging around and finding out more on the origins. I'll update my site when I have a moment. While the original "Glove" stories do have the action taking place in a coliseum, the later versions have the three travelling to a separate lion's den - in some it's the lions kept in the Tower of London. That would allow for lots of ground for her to swoon on.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #64 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Sun 17 Feb 08 11:43
permalink #64 of 124: Scott MacFarlane (s-macfarlane) Sun 17 Feb 08 11:43
In the half-circle at the guitarist’s feet, a line of blue, red and gray boxes connected to the amplification and looping, but looked more like model train cars ready to loop around a miniature track. The log beams on the ceiling of the spacious Santa Fe home vibrated from Deadhead loco motion. Behind the big sectional that elbowed through the spacious living room, I was flanked by Tinydancer gyrating on one side, and a ponytailed reveler grooving like a gandydancer on the other. The miniature boxcars weren’t moving, but the echoing repeats of the musician’s song hinted of denouement. Ten feet away from the musician, Jacob Cohen, the young musicologist, snuggled on the couch with his wife. The day before he had presented a conference paper called “The Compass Always Points to Terrapin: Harmonic and Geographic Ambiguity in the Grateful Dead’s ‘Terrapin Station’.” It discussed the suffused notion of place within the musical arrangement of this composition widely considered to be the Grateful Dead’s opus magnus. In this “rare and different tune… some rise, some fall and some climb to get to Terrapin.” I tapped him on the shoulder, leaned down for him to hear, and pointed at the performer’s feet: “Hey, Jake. There’s no more ambiguity. I think we found Terrapin Station.” Jake tilted his neck in my direction and smiled: “That does look like a train depot.” The next morning at the hotel, David Gans was loading his car with boxes and a guitar case. I offered to help and told him how he had launched into his evocative rendition of “Terrapin Station” the moment after Jake and I spoke. “Really?” he said. “You’re kidding me.” ––Albuquerque, February 2008
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #65 of 124: Mike Cowperthwaite (mcow) Sat 17 Oct 09 10:06
permalink #65 of 124: Mike Cowperthwaite (mcow) Sat 17 Oct 09 10:06
I happened to notice, the other morning before sunrise, both Venus, rising first and shining best, and the crescent moon above the Eastern horizon. The moon, however was not "brand new" but instead was in the last days of the cycle. The new moon crescent is seen at sunset. (Venus can be seen at sunset too, of course, setting last.) (Which is not to say that I think the narrator claims to observe both simultaneously -- he could as easily be describing the course of a day, when Venus rises and the crescent moon sets into the sound of crickets and cicadas.) It's also worth noting, I guess, that crickets tend to sing after dark, while the cicada's buzzy siren is heard during the hot part of the day.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #66 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Mon 19 Oct 09 15:51
permalink #66 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Mon 19 Oct 09 15:51
I know a plein air painter (Anthony Holdsworth, from Oakland) who will paint all day long from one place, and a curious effect of this is that his shadows are all mixed up--some of them seem to be cast from earlier in the day, some from later, depending on when he put paint to canvas. Which may have nothing whatsoever to do with anything, except that <mcow>'s post made me think of it...
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #67 of 124: *%* (jewel) Thu 22 Oct 09 11:44
permalink #67 of 124: *%* (jewel) Thu 22 Oct 09 11:44
When Venus is seen at sunset rising first I take to mean as the first start (star) to shine. That is when it would be seen next to a brand new crescent moon. I have seen that configuration at least a few times, it is always breathtaking.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #68 of 124: Marked from the Day That I was Born (ssol) Fri 23 Oct 09 09:06
permalink #68 of 124: Marked from the Day That I was Born (ssol) Fri 23 Oct 09 09:06
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #69 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 23 Oct 09 13:40
permalink #69 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 23 Oct 09 13:40
Always was confused about how there could be a "Northwest Corner" to a crescent moon. Decided not to be too literal.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #70 of 124: AZanimal (zepezauer) Fri 23 Oct 09 14:52
permalink #70 of 124: AZanimal (zepezauer) Fri 23 Oct 09 14:52
Yeah, I never could figure that out either, and arrived at the same solution. Similarly 'Sitting plush with a royal flush / Aces back to back'
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #71 of 124: waves of violet go crashing and laughing (sffog) Fri 23 Oct 09 22:18
permalink #71 of 124: waves of violet go crashing and laughing (sffog) Fri 23 Oct 09 22:18
you can look at any object mentally draw some cross hairs they represent North/South West/East then you nave a northwest corner like in this flag although it has multiple stars
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #72 of 124: *%* (jewel) Mon 26 Oct 09 10:52
permalink #72 of 124: *%* (jewel) Mon 26 Oct 09 10:52
That's how I identified the NW corner, too.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #73 of 124: ah but what if it's newly in that particular shape? i've run rings around you logically (xian) Mon 26 Oct 09 13:44
permalink #73 of 124: ah but what if it's newly in that particular shape? i've run rings around you logically (xian) Mon 26 Oct 09 13:44
more poetical than "oh, from the top-left corner of brand new crescent moon" next topic: brand-new moons are not crescent shaped. discuss.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #74 of 124: *%* (jewel) Mon 26 Oct 09 15:13
permalink #74 of 124: *%* (jewel) Mon 26 Oct 09 15:13
Depends on how you define brand-new Sure, when it is NEW, there is no moon at all, but days 2 and 3 after that, up until about day 4... those are pretty sliver crescents, no? I think of the song describing the moon on about day 3 - still pretty darn new.
Terrapin Station (entire suite)
permalink #75 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Tue 27 Oct 09 09:02
permalink #75 of 124: David Dodd (ddodd) Tue 27 Oct 09 09:02
And I know we've all seen this sky that's being talked about, on many occasions since we first heard the song, and the song has amplified, in some way, the sheer beauty of the sight. PS Thanks for the cross-hairs explanation, <sffog>! That helps.
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