eversed herself Ruthlessly, in effect negating herself, in pri-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #77 of 272: figment of her own imagination (johannabobrow) Mon 26 Nov 01 15:16
permalink #77 of 272: figment of her own imagination (johannabobrow) Mon 26 Nov 01 15:16
mate-like willfulness. Sickening, she then reverted to writing lo
st-puppy flyers and Romance Novels for a liv-
ing, and hiring a healthy Double to sit in on the Supreme Court sessions. This arrangement worked beautifully, until t-
omorrow, when reality reverses itself and she st-
uttered between tenses, sometimes There Then, sometimes Here Now. Now she was here, at the candy store, signing an-
agrams, then she nags a singing ram, after which she sang "Am A Raging Sin", the classic torch-bearer song of the Naughty Girl Olympics. But that was all after the fac-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #83 of 272: double-axled haywains and Harpo Marx going honk-honk (lioness) Sat 1 Dec 01 21:43
permalink #83 of 272: double-axled haywains and Harpo Marx going honk-honk (lioness) Sat 1 Dec 01 21:43
totum immemorial, the Eternal Butler, took her hat and coat and would not give them back. "But I need them for the per-
fection of my existance!" she zenned, and promptly forgot them in her sudden oneness with the uni-
formed security guard who insisted on examining the contents of her tra-
shy underwear drawer and getting into an in-depth examination of her most controversial positions. She tried to abstain, but that was quickly vetoed by the immoral ma-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #87 of 272: double-axled haywains and Harpo Marx going honk-honk (lioness) Mon 3 Dec 01 15:56
permalink #87 of 272: double-axled haywains and Harpo Marx going honk-honk (lioness) Mon 3 Dec 01 15:56
hout, who had assumed the title and role of First Sockpuppet of the United States, and was attempting to expunge abstention, absinthe, Absorbine Jr., and other things starting with the letters "ab". It was all because of that traumatic incident with the boi-
ling cauldron of cioppino (plus some, uh, unauthorized herbs), wh-
istling Dixie, and Dixie's husband coming home ear-
ly with a bucket of clams which the young Sockpuppet-to-be *knew* Dixie had already put in the cauldron. Sockpuppet, who was only nine at the time, and had never before seen time bend, had always remembered Dixie saying, "Oh, Georgie, dear, don't worry, there's two sides to everything -- it's the A-B pattern of the universe, you see." The whole incident had done a slow burn on his psyche, until one day, while dre-
ad-locking his bicycle to the postman, for fear of theft, he fell to the ground pointing at each foot in turn screaming, "Sock!" "Puppet!" "Sock!" "Puppet!" and then at passersby, "Sock!" "Puppet!" until two identical nice men in the white coats came and he shouted and pointed "Sock!" "Puppet!" at them until they fell down laughing and the postman laughed and the bicycle laughed and they all laughed and they were laughing at him at him "Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh...." Anyway, that's one story of how he came to be known as "S-
ockpuppet" and to have such an aversion to words beginning with "ab-". His handlers le-
ft no stone unturned in covering up this debacle before his can-
dor waxed; silenced, he became wan and thi-
nkish -- if there is such a thing. Gazing at his navel, he as-
sumed the po-
sition of gratitude that people are just writing a line rather than an e-
pistle, since Channeling For The American People takes in-
credible amounts of patience. You have to choose your w-
hereabouts carefully, and have an undisclosed location to g-
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