inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1526 of 1963: Tara O'Shea (uisgejack) Wed 25 Sep 02 10:28
Okay, took the quiz, and I am:

#1 Neil Gaiman. 
#2 Kevin Smith. 
#3 Steven Grant. 
#4 Warren Ellis. 
#5 Dave Sim. 
#6 Grant Morrison. 
#7 Stan Lee. 
#8 Scott McCloud.
#9 Gary Groth. 
#10 Joe Quesada/Bill Jemas

I think the part where I'm nearly not enough of a revolutionary is why
Scott's so far down on my list.... Kevin Smith came as a bit of a
surprise, however.

Dan: Yay! So partying with you! yay!

Maure: Pshaw, re: loveliness, tho I admit, I have a great Mom (when
we're not trying to kill one another). Judy wants to adopt both you and
Megan. yeah, like you need *anotehr* set of parents... But we had the
bestest time with you guys the last few days! 

I am so jazzed, and really want to see this happen now! To this end, I
shall nag you about securing financing, finding retail space, tea and
coffe suppliers, and brainstorm ways of getting
chairs/tables/flatware/mugs/etc. at garage sales and such. Doesn't
matter if it takes years. I would totally go to your place every day,
and contribute veg and meat soup recipies :) And I still think Rogers
Park, near Loyola, would be a cheapter neighbourhood than Andersonville
to launch a cafe-bookstore, but still have a good walk-in and regular
client base, and I bet you could find a building for sale because the
neighbourhood is okay, but not so chi-chi that it'll cost millions and
millions and millions of dollars. Plus, Mary would live nearby! Yay! We
shall have to go on scouting trips.

unca neil: maure is hip to the "use boiling water" part of making tea.
There shall be tea for you in Chicago someday.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1527 of 1963: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Wed 25 Sep 02 10:42
Hrm.. Jinx AND Tara are more Neil than Neil. Fascinating... another
mystery of the ages solved.

Btw, anyone who may have been trying to email me over the last several
days should know that my ISP has been having server crashes. I've
alternately had my mail unavailable, back up for a brief time, gone
again, then back with what little mail I was able to get earlier
deleted, and as of this morning, gone again. Also all my websites were
deleted. I'm fairly pissed about this, obviously.

So, if you've tried to email me... I'm not ignoring you. I just don't
know that you wrote.
I'm posting this here because I've already had one person from the
Well think I was snubbing them. :-(
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1528 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 25 Sep 02 10:42
OK. I missed something. What quiz? Where?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1529 of 1963: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Wed 25 Sep 02 11:47
I sent a picture of myself and my husband to Danw and it broke his
ISP. So it's all my fault. 

Dodge- Check the blog. I think he has a link to it
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1530 of 1963: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 25 Sep 02 13:17
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1531 of 1963: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Wed 25 Sep 02 14:29
Christy: Nope.  Actually I meant "Thong of Thingies."  It was a
spontaneous burst of hilarity a while back on the newsgroup. :-)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1532 of 1963: Glen, who is also Dave Sim (notshakespeare) Wed 25 Sep 02 15:03
Erynn - of course Spike sings - he does "Rest In Peace" as a solo, and
then contributes to a couple others - in fact I love the lyrics he's
given "Life isn't bliss/Life is just this/It's living".  Not only that
but James Marster (his actor) has a band (Ghost of the Robot).

Dan - the key to the moving walls is motion sensors and/or video
system with pattern recognition.  That way a wall can move every time
some leaves an isle.  Allowing remote control is just asking for bad
drivers to hit people with walls.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1533 of 1963: Glen, who is also Dave Sim (notshakespeare) Wed 25 Sep 02 15:04
Oh - as for the Buffy CD.  Since I have the illegal copy, I'll put the
legal copy on my wishlist for Christmas.  Now I can tell people what
to get me!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1534 of 1963: EMAIL FROM CHRISTY (cdb) Wed 25 Sep 02 15:43


JaNell -- Happy 5th birthday to Rowan!! And drop by again soon! (JaNell is
KEWL. Just thought I'd say.)

Hmm, my "cafe-with-an-accent-over-the-'e'" in Post 1495 turned into a "caf."
I guess funny ASCII characters don't come through when I post this way. Oh,
well, I guess I'll just have to refrain from veering off into foreign
languages when talking to you guys. (Watches papers fly off the desk due to
collective sigh of relief)

Tree -- I like your story in #1497. Someone said something similar to my
brother once during a college project. I think he was the only one on his
team who showed up for a marketing presentation without a tie, or something,
and one of the people judging it (a kindred soul) said, "You must be the
creative one" or something like that. (Note to self: Must get Baby Brother
Ben to come here and post his own stories once in a while.) ;)

Mimi -- That's cool that you're in the U.S. now. When do you graduate?
Anti-stress wishes going out your way! :)

I read "The Wheel" at a bookstore earlier this year. I liked it, though I'm
not all that familiar with the Sandman characters yet. But I thought it was
cool that I found it.

Well, hello, Jouni! That Cosmic Comic Cafe (note no attempt at an accent
mark this time) does sound wonderful. I imagine I'd be in there thoughtfully
sucking on a Kahlua (no accent there either) drink while poring over
anything Gaiman I could get my hands on.... (Of course, I probably imagine
wrong. How easy is it to get Kahlua all the way over in Finland?)

You know, every time I see your last name, I picture Kokopelli (e.g. -- only with your
ponytail instead of the dreads! :)

Maure -- Glad to hear the interview went well. And cool name for the cafe!
Yeah, the imdb profile on Uncle Ned has a "(1999)" right after the show
name, but a "9/20/2002" next to all the episode information. (I was going by
that, since L&O isn't among the relatively few shows that I watch.) Guess I
shouldn't expect imdb always to get it right! %^)

Rocky -- That _Ether_ auction has been closed and re-opened -- and still no
S:US:1 .

Rocky cont'd -- Your comics-creator quiz results were like mine. I appear to
be Scott McCloud  8^)  , with Neil coming in at #6 or 7. I seem to have
accomplished this by answering "No Opinion" to almost every question, as I
didn't want to spout off about a subject on which I quite frankly know
almost nothing. This leads me to wonder why Kevin Smith didn't rank higher
on my list, since his description attributed "a certain amount of apathy" to
him.  (He was somewhere below Neil on my scale, IIRC.) Oh, well, at least I
can say that Kevin Smith is my dad!

But not _that_ Kevin Smith.

Not that one either.

Jinx -- Don't get rained out! And have a fun, safe vacation.

Congrats to you and Tara on being the only Neil Gaimans in the lot of us,
including Neil Gaiman! LOL (And Tara, what's with you being Neil Gaiman
while his own #1 profile is way down at #9 on your list? <chuckling, shaking
my head, and sighing>)

Hey, Erynn -- Was that Clarion U. in Pennsylvania? I've had friends who went
there, though most likely after Harlan's time.

And DanGuy, I concur with Erynn and Maure: You *should* open your store --
if only because it would be sort-of in my area, rather than half-a-country
to half-a-world away from me. ;)

Dan -- Sorry about the network problems. What a pain! <grimace>

And for all you Lovecraft buffs:

Dodge -- Check Neil's blog (
from Monday. (Whoops, Erynn slipped. The first of many, I'm sure.)

And speaking of the blog, I know I've had a few scattered comments about
things there, so I'll try to remember a couple of them now. But I'd just
like to make the one overall comment that I've been enjoying the heck out of
it lately. :)

Last Thursday was particularly fun, with the Reasons to be Cheerful (which
made me want to curl up with a book during a thunderstorm) and that
"precious Maddy-and-Daddy story immediately followed by weird Gaimanesque
dream" entry.  What can I say, Neil? I LOVE the way your mind works. Even if
it does leave me shaking my head and looking bemused half the time.

"Gaimanesque," by the way, has _always_ been my adjective of choice. ;)

Though I haven't read all of Stephen Phelan's interview yet (referenced on
9/10), I did have to chuckle at the title of it. I've been referring to Neil
as "The Dreamweaver" for years -- since back before I "discovered" him for
myself and was merely buying his books for Ben!

Oh! I came across an issue of _Book_ magazine last week that had another one
of those "look at all the adult authors writing children's books" articles.
It had some quotes from Michael Chabon, with a picture or two. (I didn't
know he was so young -- and, frankly, kinda hot!) I don't think it's online,

Ah -- So I *haven't* been crazy to think people have been misusing
"momentarily." I may be crazy for other reasons, but at least not for that

And I totally believe the idea that the longest word found in any English-
language dictionary is a chemical name. I work with a toxicology database;
'nuff said.

And with that I'm more or less caught up. À bientôt! (Which, of course, is
going to show up as " bientt!")

Christy (not reading _Titus Groan_, but groaning because they cancelled
_Titus_  :(   )
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1535 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 25 Sep 02 15:53
Whoo-hoo!  Stagewalker in Chicago!  Yay!  We will definitely get
together, though I feel it necessary to warn you that Debbie the
Lurker, Tara, Maure, and her sister Less, um, I mean Meghan, and I  all
talk *at the same time*.  And periodically go "Squee!"  We are
Unusual.  And most definitely Suspect.

I just want to work at Maure's cafe.  And I shall make sure the tea is
yummy.  And my neighborhood is cheap & waaaay cool.  I could walk to
work!  ;-)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1536 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Wed 25 Sep 02 15:53
OK. found it. I'm matched with Neil then Warren Ellis.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1537 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Wed 25 Sep 02 16:02
Oooo, Christy slipped--Jackie is adorable, isn't he?

And Dodge--go you!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1538 of 1963: Cheaper than Dave Sim (stagewalker) Wed 25 Sep 02 16:18
Hrm... let's see... Chicago Wellies I can see...
Mary, Debbie, Tara, Maure and Meghan.

*lets that sink in*

I will be surrounded by women.

Life is good.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1539 of 1963: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 25 Sep 02 17:23
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1540 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Wed 25 Sep 02 20:28

I love the idea of a laundry mat/cafe/bookstore/performance space. 
Kind of a cross between a coffee shop in Amsterdam, SUDS that sexy
laundry mat from the movie "My Beautiful Launderette" and Dixon Space
[performance loft] in NYC.  One could wash, fold, panini, cuppucino 
and mime. 

Christy cont'd - I have no idea why I'm Scott McCloud unless he's a
very opinionated guy. *grin*  

However, I would definitely like to recommend reading his wonderful
comic book series "Zot" and his book "Understanding Comics."  The
latter is done as a comic book and it explains how comics work.  He
explains the technical side of creating this artform and explores how
we've dealt with visual language through the ages. It was a fun read.

Speaking of fun, here is a something that gave me a little chuckle:

Enjoy!  ;>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1541 of 1963: Shawn Shelby (shawnshelby) Thu 26 Sep 02 06:38
 Finally took the Quiz; I'm enthused to say my #1 match is Neil. Kind
of embarrassed to say my #2 match is Steven Grant, who I just don't
know at all.

Glen - I loved Spikes song also, but I think my favorite was the great
Xander/Anya Busby Berkley dance number. I just break out in fits of
laughter every time I see it.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1542 of 1963: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Thu 26 Sep 02 13:14
Rocky- Tee-hee!

Dance numbers?! I HAVE to see this episode.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1543 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 26 Sep 02 14:15
I don't know who my number 2 guy was either. I'm not, actually, much
into reading a lot of comics these days but I used to. I suspect that
it was the question about would I rather be reading a comic or a book
right now that got me into the neil since given any choice at all I'd
read the book. I used to really like comics as long as the majority of
the tale were right there in the one and when they started doing them
so that you'd get only an event or two and it takes 4 or 5 comics to
resolve the one plot point... That bugs me. But then, I used to like
the Aquaman comics (the ones where he had blonde hair and wasn't half
anything just all water based superhero.) And Spiderman. And Wonder
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1544 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Thu 26 Sep 02 20:26
Neil,  All the best wishes for the trial to go well. 

Christy,  the IMDB also has him credited with a security chief role in
a soap opera when he was 5 years old. I should email him so he can
email them with the right dates and such (he's busy being a new daddy

Mary,  you know I'd love to have you work with me. Just the faces you
make when confronted with inane customers are worth continual raises,
teeheehee. (pssst . . . my Megan has no "h" in her -- she claims to be
"a simple Megan," but she's nothing of the sort.)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1545 of 1963: Glen, who is also Dave Sim (notshakespeare) Fri 27 Sep 02 09:03
Cafe Press sent me a small check for the "Scary Trousers" shirts.  I
just wanted you to know that I forwarded it on to CBLDF as I promised.

Just so you remember - the site is:,GaimanPants

- although cafeshops seem to be down right now.

Oh well.  I can't be worried about that.  Tomorrow I leave for
vacation.  Woo Hoo!  New Zealand, here I come!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1546 of 1963: Christy Smith (jonl) Sat 28 Sep 02 06:17
Email from Christy:

So we've got two more Neils so far!  I think The Legion of Substitute 
Neils could become a reality.  Or at least a really cool band name.

Rocky -- Loved the "Schedule" link and passed it on to another mb.

My reaction to Orson Scott Card's review of _American Gods_:

SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  MY EYES!!  MY EYES!!!

Ahem.  Just a little warning to any of you who haven't finished the book 
yet.  IF there is anyone like that left besides me.

Incidentally, I've just begun Part Three.  It took me almost half the 
book to really start to get into it (possibly more of a testament to my 
state of mind the last couple of months than to the book itself), but 
since that point I've been like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering 
momentum.  I'm just tearing through it now, even when I know there are 
other things I probably should be doing.  ;)

Glen -- Kewl!!!  Have a great time in New Zealand, and safe travels!  Are 
you going to be anywhere near any Wellies?  (Was <josparrow> the Kiwi, or 
was it someone else?)

Maure -- Congrats to your uncle, and to you on your new cousin!  :D  And 
did YOU beat the "h" out of Megan?  ;)

Neil -- I echo Maure's sentiment about the trial.  May all go well and 
get sorted out quickly, with a minimum of stress.


Christy, heading for the coffee shop
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1547 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sun 29 Sep 02 19:57
O.K., I have now gone "Squeeee!" twice in one week.  The Marquis story
I've been waiting for!  I'm terribly, awfully, dreadfully sorry that
you have to go through this wretched lawsuit, but if you must, then
working on "How the Marquis Got His Coat" will hopefully cheer you up. 
A visit from the Marquis can do that for you (if it doesn't get you
killed, or something worse, first).  I just showed the first episode of
Neverwhere to some friends last night, and left my copy of the video
with them.

I, too, find this stuff fascinating, and hope I get to hear all about
it one day, but for now, I'm sending supportive thoughts & best wishes
your way.

Stagewalker--just cleared my schedule for the days you're here, so let
me know what day looks good to get together.

Mary (off to watch Mr. Toad's Wild Ride)
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1548 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Sun 29 Sep 02 20:01
Oooo, forgot to say--Maure--I agree that she is no simple Megan, but
pray extend my apologies to that worthy for my extra h's.

And Glen--Happy Trails! Have a safe & wonderful trip, and tell us all
about it when you get back!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1549 of 1963: Glen's attempt at wit (notshakespeare) Sun 29 Sep 02 22:39
Hey!  I'm in my hotel room in Auckland experiencing the not-joy of
fiddling with in-room internet access via TV.  I've decided that it is
a stupid idea, and I wom't try it again.

Now off to dinner - hopefully a tasty one.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1550 of 1963: la belle dame with missing posts (miss-mousey) Sun 29 Sep 02 22:50
Attempt number three to send a post, just to see if it stays this
time. Anyone else ever have this problem? I posted a few days ago, then
went back to find it and it wasn't there. Then I posted yesterday, and
it's not there. Third time's supposed to be a charm, so here goes

In other news, SF MOMA has this exhibit of Lewis Carroll's photos.
Taken individually, they're nice little portraits; but as a whole...
well, a little disturbing.

Ooh, and I went to the zoo yesterday and it was cool. There were
lemurs (soooo many lemurs) and big kitties (being fed!) and, and,
and... :D!

squeaks, who just found a piece of rope that's been missing for 6
months now... 


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