Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #251 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 02:12
permalink #251 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 02:12
Would you still consider LBJ to be a raving unconfined nut?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #252 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 04:07
permalink #252 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 04:07
I wouldn't. History has shown him to be a highly calculating megalomaniac perfectly capable of fucking an entry wound from the Grassy Knoll to make it look like an exit wound.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #253 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 07:38
permalink #253 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 07:38
LBJ was perfectly sane if compared to George W. I heard Johnson's biographrer on NPR the other day telling how, as Senate leader, he would literally kick another Senator in the shins in order to get his way.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #254 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 07:51
permalink #254 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 07:51
Never trusted anybody unless he had the guy's pecker in his pocket. Sane or paranoid? Either? Both?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #255 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 09:17
permalink #255 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 09:17
LBJ once put his penis over the railing of a yacht and said, "Watch it hit bottom." That's just one example of his crudeness and the arrogance of power. It doesn't matter how you label him, he was responsible for the unnecessary deaths of Americans and Vietnamese.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #256 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 11:01
permalink #256 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 11:01
Like Kenedy before him and Eisenhower backstopping the French before that, and much more shamelfully Nixon and Kissinger after him..To his credit he realized he was wrong,.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #257 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 11:21
permalink #257 of 301: who? me? (stet) Thu 19 Dec 02 11:21
I always thought the crudeness was the least objectionable thing about him -- down to receiving visitors sitting on the toilet, a la Louis XIV. Plus he didn't talk in that nauseating pea-soup equivocation and weaselwording: he could say things like "It's better to have X inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in." The war was a catastrophe and brought out his worst side-- but again, I think he fitgured that out. Caro's book about him brings out all the warts, and he's still worht 20 of W.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #258 of 301: (fom) Thu 19 Dec 02 13:21
permalink #258 of 301: (fom) Thu 19 Dec 02 13:21
That stepped-on snail on the sidewalk over there is worth 20 of W.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #259 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Thu 19 Dec 02 14:59
permalink #259 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Thu 19 Dec 02 14:59
The INS is detaining Arab men and boys in L.A. Welcome to the Fourth Reich. As Jews, which at the very least me, Krass, Gans and several other WELLingtons are, any thoughts on all of this insanity? I've been meeting more Jews lately who say they've ALWAYS thought Israel was a terrible idea. It's certainly turned into a grotesque perversion of Jewish values. I LOVE being a Jew. I love Matzoh balls, yiddish humor, Karl and Groucho Marx, Abbie Hoffman and Paul Krassner, Lenny and Dylan, and I'm eager to read Isaac Babel. I'm very proud to be Jewish. But I HATE Israel. Am I a self-hating Jew? Am I making sense?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #260 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 15:31
permalink #260 of 301: Jack King (gjk) Thu 19 Dec 02 15:31
You know me. You know I was converted to Zionism in the 1970s. I love all those same things you love. Hating a valid nation-state is not the same as hating human rights violations. If so, I would have to say that I hate the USA *and* Israel, and I love both. Hating the people that run a country is often the same thing as loving the country they run, don't you think, Mike?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #261 of 301: Are You My Caucasian? (shmo) Thu 19 Dec 02 15:40
permalink #261 of 301: Are You My Caucasian? (shmo) Thu 19 Dec 02 15:40
> Am I a self-hating Jew? I believe the current term, in hardcore Zionist circles these days, is "Jewish Anti-Jew." I'm always conflicted about Israel, having been raised in a non-Zionist Jewish home but fully aware of the great danger ahead for the Jewish people in an increasingly Jew-hating world (always the case when economies turn south, as we know . . . must be the Jews' fault, of course). As much as I despise Ariel Sharon and the practices of his government, I also derive an admitted comfort knowing that Israel is there as a psychological hive for Jews to come together and defend ourselves against what could be a vicious onslaught from all directions (not to get all paranoid and shit, but, you know). I'm hearing some nasty anti-Jewish racist talk all over, from that Saskatoon Indian dude up in Canada who said Hitler was only trying to get rid of an obvious scourge (Jews)--OK, that guy's an outright loony fruitbat, but you KNOW there are way too many folks out there who secretly agree with him--all the way to the other side of the spectrum in the thin euphemisms you hear in Lefty/Revolutionary discussions, e.g. "The Pro-Israel Lobby" and "The Zionist Agenda." Whatever problems one has with Israel, one must be aware that these terms carry an underlying race-hatred that is most disturbing, at least to my secular Reform Jewish ears. I agree that it's possible to hate Israeli policy without hating Israel. There are too many beautiful people who live there for me to hate it. Would said beautiful people were in positions of power . . . (I suppose I wish the same for the USA . . . ) End of ellipses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #262 of 301: Dan Levy (danlevy) Thu 19 Dec 02 16:06
permalink #262 of 301: Dan Levy (danlevy) Thu 19 Dec 02 16:06
The thing that has been bothering me lately is the terrible damage that is being done in Israel from the idea that we Jews are "the chosen people." That is a meshuggene, grandiose fiction which has been used for millenia to make ourselves feel good on the one hand but also to claim all kinds of things as our birthright which are, simply, not.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #263 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 16:17
permalink #263 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 16:17
It's all insane. I don't think Jews are the chosen people, and I don''t think people are the chosen species. As an atheist, I don't consider myself Jewish, although anti-Semites do. They think of Zionists and Jews as the same thing. What were the Arabs supposed to say--you are welcome to take our land? I'm not even a cultural Jew except maybe that I like Chinese food. Oy.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #264 of 301: deja vu (bluecat-sings) Thu 19 Dec 02 19:07
permalink #264 of 301: deja vu (bluecat-sings) Thu 19 Dec 02 19:07
"am I a self-hating Jew?" Since when is supporting the present state of Israel a requirement for being Jewish? Feh! my mother: Ma, I got married again. my bubby: So, is he Jewish? my mother: Ma, we're both scientists. It doesn't matter, We're both athiests. my bubby: You couldn't marry a Jewish athiest?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #265 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 20:55
permalink #265 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Thu 19 Dec 02 20:55
When my renegade-Jew sister married a renegade-Catholic, my mother saw they had Unitarian literature and asked, couldn't she become a Jewish Unitarian. My mother was a victim of her own conditioning, and for a while she refused to see their baby, but then she came to her senses--or maybe I should say she came to her emotions--and finally cherished her grandchild.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #266 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Fri 20 Dec 02 00:02
permalink #266 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Fri 20 Dec 02 00:02
I agree with Paul in so far as my atheism precludes me from being labeled. I do dig Chinese food as well, and some Jewish culture. But as much as I never felt anything for Judaism as a religion or Zionism as a nationalist plan, I'm feeling even more alienated from the whole mishegas by the current regime of theocrats and Brooklyn-born "settlers". I'm being somewhat rhetorical, but why is it so many left-wing agnostics who are ethnically Jewish suddenly side with genocidal, ethnic cleansers, i.e. the Israeli government, when discussing the Middle East? I feel responsible, as an ethnic Jew whose family was persecuted in both Tsarist and Bolshevik Russia, to stand up and say out loud that Israel sucks! Thank you, Krass, for saying the unsayable. The members of this list just got to see in (more or less) real time your honesty and iconoclasm that's been referred to historically. No, Jack, I don't think hating a government necessarily means I love the the country. I'm quite misanthropic in general these days because humans are still unable to tell the truth. Although there are many Israelis -- from the Refuseniks to this woman lawyer who defends Palestinians (she's the Kunstler of Israel, I forgot her name) -- who are opposed to the Sharon government's policies. In fact, there seem to be more Israelis who are horrified at Israel's policies than American Jews. Shmo, anti-Semitism is an ugly -- and sometimes genocidal -- form of scapegoating. Agreed. I don't think it excuses Israel. What Krass said is precisely why I've loved and appreciated Paul Krassner since the 1960s. Telling the truth is not a great way to make people happy. But it is righteous because the truth is ultimately the only valid moral compass we have.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #267 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 09:09
permalink #267 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 09:09
> I agree that it's possible to hate Israeli policy without hating Israel. Damn straight. I hate American policy without hating America.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #268 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Fri 20 Dec 02 10:56
permalink #268 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Fri 20 Dec 02 10:56
Furthermore, there are Jews who insist that I am Jewish even if I don't think so myself, because my parents were Jewish. Isn't that like the Nazi notion that Judaism is a race rather than a religion? Anyway, today is the last day of this orWELLian dialogue, and I have felt privileged and stimulated in particpating. It's been fun communicating with unseen intelligence. I'll check in a few times, the last one being 11 p.m., California time. Thanks to all those who have asked necessary questions and given necessary answers, and to Simmons & Gans and all the others who are responsible for this forum. Check my Web site,, for my books; not there yet but now available is my latest, Murder At the Conspiracy Convention and Other American Absurdities, with an introduction by George Carlin; $20 including postage.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #269 of 301: flying jenny (jenslobodin) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:09
permalink #269 of 301: flying jenny (jenslobodin) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:09
Ahh, too bad it's over, but it's been fine, fine to have you here, Paul. Thanks. Your mother's comment about Unitarian Jews cracks me up, for that is exactly how we were brought up. Though my parents, scientists, were atheists, as well. Since my family was also persecuted in Tsarist Russia, I never deny being Jewish, though I know little about it, other than what I learned when I decided to go to Hebrew school at age 11. I always say that most Jews would deny me (for I am, after all, an atheist) but the Nazis consider me Jewish. Whatever. I embrace that part of me which is Jewish, whatever it is. <michaelsimmons>, it has been precisely my experience that American Jews support the Israeli government far more stoutly than my Israeli friends. They did not grow up next to their Palestinian neighbours (though there is a whole generation now of Israeli kids who _cannot_ know their Palestinian counterparts, thanks to government policies). It's crazy, as Paul says. Yes, we need a place in the world for Jews to be safe; there must be a way beyond THIS way. It's VERY unfortunate that many people think when we criticize Sharon, we are anti-Semitic. It's absurd.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #270 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:10
permalink #270 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:10
> Anyway, today is the last day of this orWELLian dialogue It does not have to end. Paul, you are welcome to hang out and rave with us for as long as you like.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #271 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:11
permalink #271 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:11
Jenifer, you sould about as Jewish as I am. Until I started going to seders with some good friends a few years ago, I used to say that the last Jewish thing that ever happened to me was my circumcision.
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #272 of 301: the invetned stiff is dumb (bbraasch) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:27
permalink #272 of 301: the invetned stiff is dumb (bbraasch) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:27
so you cut it off right there?
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #273 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:44
permalink #273 of 301: David Gans (tnf) Fri 20 Dec 02 13:44
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #274 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Fri 20 Dec 02 14:23
permalink #274 of 301: Michael Simmons (michaelsimmons) Fri 20 Dec 02 14:23
I'll be checking in daily but thanks Krass, "it was a laugh, it was a giggle", to quote the blonde dame in Quadrophenia after the alley shag. It was an honor to interlocute your WELL appearance. Thank you, Gans, as always. Dan Levy, always a pleasure. Jack King, you are my brother. Shmo, you're a pro. Everyone else...SHALOM!
Paul Krassner: Investigative satirist
permalink #275 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Fri 20 Dec 02 15:36
permalink #275 of 301: Paul Krassner (paulkrassner) Fri 20 Dec 02 15:36
I have a request, which I often make to my live audiences, and so I'm doing it now this electronic audience: Does anybody have a fact or an opinion that you'd like to share? Of course, that's what goes on in the Well all the time, but I'm the new kid on the block.
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