It is possible to "link" a topic from one conference to another. When this is done, the linked
topic will appear in both conferences with exactly the same title and text, but with a different
topic number in each conference. Users in either conference can respond to the topic, and all new
responses will appear in the linked topic in both conferences. Topics can even be linked between
several conferences. (As a Featured conference host, you can only link topics *into* your own
conference. You cannot link topics from your conference out to conferences not hosted by you.
Independent conferences do not support linking, though a Featured conference host may link an
Independent topic into his or her conference with permission.)
Linking a topic presents a unique set of advantages and disadvantages to ordinary topics. The
obvious advantage is that a topic which is germane to two or more conferences can appear in
both or all. For example, some topics might well belong in both the Science Conference and our
imaginary Mesozoic Life Conference. But some users may only frequent one of these conferences.
Linking a topic between them makes the topic available to all users who visit either
conference. A user who visits both conferences will see the linked topic in each conference until
he/she "forgets" the topic in one or the other.
The disadvantages to linking topics are less obvious, but very important. First and foremost is
the issue of a topic's compatibility between two conferences. Different conferences have
different rules, expectations and userships. It's entirely possible (and, indeed, it has
happened) that a
topic whose subject matter appears to apply to two conferences is a poor choice for linking
because the people in one conference expect the subject to be discussed in one context, and the
people in the other conference expect it to be discussed in another context. Such links can lead,
inadvertently, to misunderstandings between both the participants and hosts of the different
For example, the Mesozoic Life conference is full of serious discussion, scientific fact, and proven
biological premise. The TV conference is a much more social atmosphere with discussions
geared towards popular culture, the production aspects of broadcasting and general banter.
Someone starts a topic in Mesozoic Life on National Geographic specials that the hosts then
link into the tv conference. Suddenly you have a topic full of clashing dialogue between
scientific fact and discussion of content, and lighthearted banter and a discussion of Barney.
Though the subject applies to both conferences, the tone of each conference is significantly
different and therefore makes for poor discussion on both sides.
For example, the Mesozoic Life conference is full of serious discussion, scientific fact, and proven
So, careful forethought is advised for all hosts concerned before topics are linked between
* When you link a topic from another conference, you must first obtain the permission of a
host there. Cohosts in multi-host conferences should work out among themselves the protocol
for how this decision is made, etc.
Hosts may waive this rule for any hosts/conferences they wish. If, for example, the
hosts of the lawn conference want to give blanket permission to the hosts of the chair conference
to link topics there, they may do so, allowing the hosts of chair to skip rule #1 if they see a
topic they want to link. This permission may be withdrawn at any time, but until then, the
hosts of lawn pretty much have to live with the results.
* When you link that topic, the system automatically posts a message indicating from which
conference and topic number it was linked, and which conference and topic number it was
linked to.
Once a topic is linked between two conferences, the ability to
scribble responses in the topic is
changed. Thereafter, only the original author of the post, and The WELL
confteam staff can perform this action. Neither of the hosts will be able
to scribble responses (other than their
own). If it becomes necessary for the hosts to do so, they must contact
The WELL conferencing team, who can do it for them. The hosts of both
conferences should agree on the need to scribble
in a linked topic before contacting the staff with such a request.
Linked topics are also immune to the host's use of the "retire" command.
The hosts in both conferences do retain, however, their abilities to kill the topic within their
own conference. When a linked topic is killed in any conference, it lives on in the other
conferences to which it was linked. (This little feature is a handy way for hosts to transfer
topics from one conference to another: link it into the new conference then kill it in the old
conference. This is also how the attic conference can store killed topics -- they are linked there
before killing in their place of origin.)
Now that you know the ins and outs of linking, the actual command may be of interest. Let's say
you are the host of the Mesozoic Life conference, and you want to link topic 234 of the Science
conference into Mesozoic Life. You've determined who the hosts of the science conference are
either by going there and typing display host, or by typing hosted science at any OK prompt,
and emailed them to confirm that the link is fine. It's ok to link with permission from one host
unless that host says to wait for a reply from their cohost(s) It's wise to inform all hosts of a
cohosted conference since hosts may have divided up their duties or have different schedules
for logging in. Here's the command (given from the OK prompt in the Mesozoic Life conference):
Both topics will then be marked as
That's all there is to it. Now your guests know something about how the conversation has been
expanded. To see where any topic is linked, you can type linked followed by the conference
name and topic number to see where a particular topic is linked. For example:
9.1 Advantages & Disadvantages
9.2 Murphy's Linking Laws
Because of the potential for incompatibility between the approach of two different conferences
to the same topic of discussion, it is imperative that the hosts and cohosts of the respective
conferences communicate with each other and come to an agreement regarding their linking
policies prior to making any links. The following rules of thumb by Dan Murphy
are recommended as standard procedure for hosts wishing to link topics:
Example: <linked from film.12 to arts.244 by puffball>
* If you kill a linked topic, you should leave a message in your conference administrivia
or business topic to let users know this was done, as they may have forgotten the topic in
another conference but wish to continue reading it there.
9.3 Technical Side-Effects of Linking
9.4 The Linkfrom Command (Featured Conferences Only)
type: linkfrom science 234
type: linked science 234
To unlink a topic, kill it in your conference.
If you'd like to see a quick list of all the topics in your conference which are linked to/from
other conferences,
9.5 Listing Linked Topics
Type: linked confname
This command will produce a list of conferences and topic numbers (without their corresponding
titles) for each topic in that conference that is linked. For example, for the words conference,
the output of linked words might look like this: