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Why The WELL?
You know who you're talking with. The WELL is non-anonymous.
Quality conversation with smart people engaging in a wide range of topics.
There is no data-mining. There is no advertising. Ever.
It's a real community. One member recently called it, "A small town all over the world."
Membership includes:
- Participation in The WELL's acclaimed non-anonymous conferences via your browser -- plus try out the classic text-only interface, too.
- The ability to create independent and private conferences within The WELL.
- Your own email address, short and elegant.
WELL Membership is $150 per year.
Month to month membership is $15 per month. Special introductory offer: Get a taste of this place for $9.50 per month, for up to three months.
There's one way to find out if the WELL's for you, and that's to experience it first hand.
Sign up for your annual WELL Membership
Sign up for your monthly WELL Membership, starting at the introductory rate
"The most influential online community in the world." WIRED Magazine
Introductory months:
This reduced rate applies to new monthly memberships only. At the end of your third introductory month, if you have not changed to the annual membership, your fourth month's subscription will be billed at $15. If you choose to leave at any time, (including during discounted months one, two or three), simply tell us. We'll cancel your membership at the end of your current month. At any time, swap to the yearly plan for a better long-term rate. (From our Billing Terms and our Member Agreement.)