Videotape: YOUNG MR. GRACE

0:00:00  Are You Being Served? "Shedding the Load" [start gone]
0:29:27  end of show
_:__:__  Whore [excerp]
_:__:__  Desire and Hell At Sunset Motel [start only]
2:00:36  end of show
_:__:__  Adam Curry on MTV Most Wanted
2:08:18  Thunder Kiss '65 / White Zombie {#5}
_:__:__  No Rain / Blind Melon {#4}
_:__:__  Again / Janet Jackson {#3}
_:__:__  Two Steps Behind / Def Leppard {2}
2:30:41  Cryin' / Aerosmith {1}
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Rock Videos That Don't Suck
_:__:__  Would? / Alice In Chains
_:__:__  Screamager / Therapy?
_:__:__  Momma, I'm Coming Home / Ozzy Osbourne
_:__:__  Wicked Garden / Stone Temple Pilots
_:__:__  Black Lodge / Anthrax
_:__:__  end of show
3:06:39  Beavis and Butthead
_:__:__  end of show
3:37:52  Star Trek: The Next Generation [start gone]
4:37:04  end of show
4:39:__  Nova: Butch and Sundance
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  end of signal
_:__:__  end of tape

Last update Mon 27-Feb-02006 by ABS.