0:00:00  Seinfled bloopers and highlights [last part]
0:06:48  end
0:08:48  The Last Seinfeld
1:23:29  end
1:__:__  Frank Sinatra in concert [start gone]
1:__:__  NYNY
1:27:26  It Was a Very Good Year
1:__:__  The Best Is Yet to Come
1:37:55  My Way
1:__:__  ???
1:43:00  end of show
1:__:__  MAD TV [start & end gone]
1:51:__  Godzilla ad
2:12:40  Armageddon ad
2:13:53  SNL w/ Jerry Seinfeld [start gone]
2:__:__  Fear and Loathing ad
2:46:53  Why / Annie Lennox
3:__:__  end
3:21:23  Trailer Park - invisibles
3:__:__  end
3:50:20  VH-1  Women First
3:__:__  Torn / Natalie Imbruglia [last half]
3:51:10  A Rose Is Still a Rose / Aretha Franklin
3:__:__  end
4:02:54  Heaven's What I Feel / Gloria Estefan
4:__:__  end
4:__:__  VH-1 Cross Roads
4:__:__  five facts
4:__:__  Heroes / The Wallflowers
4:__:__  Adia / Sarah McLachlan
4:__:__  end
4:__:__  Zoot Suit Riot / Cherry Poppin' Daddies
4:__:__  I'll Be / Edwin McCain
4:__:__  end
4:34:30  Me / Paula Cole
4:__:__  Push / Matchbox 20
4:42:28  To Love You More / Celine Dion
4:__:__  end
4:__:__  Walkin' On the Sun / Smash Mouth
4:__:__  Fire / Babyface and Des'fee
5:00:05  end
5:__:__  A Really Big SHow: Ed Sullivan's 50th
6:02:15  end
6:10:10  end of tape

Last update 29-May-98 by ABS.