Videotape: SIN CITY

0:00:00  Penn & Teller's Sin City Spectacular [star gone]
         bear-proof suit
0:35:15  Riders In the Sky: Da Woo
_:__:__  end
0:54:__  Riders In the Sky: Happy Trails
0:57:23  end of show
_:__:__  Dilbert
1:29:20  end of show
1:29:27  Daggett fire
_:__:__  Dilbert
1:49:44  make-out with marketing
2:00:02  end of show
_:__:__  Red Handed
2:21:__  dressing room babe
_:__:__  end of show
2:3_:__  The Sentinel
2:55:29  end of signal
_:__:__  end of tape

Last update 08-Apr-02000 by ABS.