Videotape: THE 24 1/2 CENTURY

0:01:55  Duck Dodgers: Chapter 08.04: Duck Codgers
_:__:__  Chapter 06.20: Where's Baby Smartypants?
0:27:03  end of show
_:__:__  The Weather Channel frag: 7:58 PM Wed. Sep. 17
0:31:03  Star Trek: Enterprise: Anomoly (ENT 302 09/17/03)
_:__:__  end of show
1:31:04  Duck Dodgers: Chapter 28.08: I'm Going To Get You Fat Sucka
_:__:__  Chapter 11.21: Detained Duck
1:57:07  end of show
_:__:__  The Weather Channel frag: 11:58 AM Sat. Sep. 20
2:00:02  Star Trek: Enterprise: Extinction (ENT 303 09/24/03)
2:59:48  end of show
_:__:__  The Weather Channel frag:  9:00 PM Wed. Sep. 24
_:__:__  The Daily Show: Sep. 25, 2003 (Jonah Goldberg)
3:30:28  end of show
3:35:11  Duck Dodgers: k-9 Kaddy / Marvin the Martian
_:__:__  Chapter 26.07: Pig of Action
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Teen Titans
_:__:__  end of show
4:30:26  Justice League
_:__:__  end of show
5:00:17  Dexter's Laboratory
_:__:__  end of show
5:30:23  KND
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Courage the Cowardly Dog frag
6:06:09  end of signal
6:06:09  end of tape

Last update 28-Dec-02003 by ABS.