0:00:00  The Twilight Zone: It's Still a Wonderful Life & The Monsters Are On
         Maple Street
0:59:52  end of show
1:02:18  The Larry Sander Show: Hank's agent sick
_:__:__  end of show
1:32:05  The Daily Show: Wed. Feb. 19, 2003 (Jeff Daniels)
_:__:__  end of show
2:06:02  The Larry Sanders Show: Larry produces
_:__:__  end of show
2:35:44  The Daily Show: Thu. Feb. 20,l 2003 (Luke Wilson)
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  The Late Show With David Letterman
3:21:33  Palomar Mountain segment
4:12:01  end of show
4:13:39  The Rockford Files [credits]
_:__:__  Fran boinks the handyman on Mad About You
4:16:06  Mad About You [credits}
_:__:__  The Weather Channel frag Wed. Feb. 26 7:36 PM
4:19:14  Enterprise: Canamar (ENT 043 2/26/03)
5:18:14  end of show
_:__:__  Tony Robbbins infomercial
5:41:10  Local 8 news at 11
_:__:__  mice released at a south bay high school
6:08:40  end of signal

Last update 18-Mar-02003 by ABS.