0:03:33  The Rockford Files: "Backlash of the Hunter" (part 2)
           (#0 pilot, air date 3/27/74)
_:__:__  end
_:__:__  Las Vegas: "Always Faithful" (#23, air date 5/17/04)
_:__:__  end
2:06:07  Dick Van Dyke Revisited backstory
2:06:40  Dick Van Dyke Revisited
_:__:__  end
_:__:__  Addams Family marathon ad
3:07:02  Dick Van Dyke Show: "It May Look Like a Walnut!" (#051, air date 2/6/63)
3:3_:__  Laura & the walnuts
_:__:__  end
3:37:08  Dick Van Dyke Show: "Coast to Coast Big Mouth" (#128, air date 9/16/65)
_:__:__  end
4:07:59  Inside TVLand: The Dick Van Dyke Show
5:30:37  end
_:__:__  The Alan Brady Show
6:03:__  end
_:__:__  The Rockford File [start only]
6:09:38  end of tape

Last update 04-Jul-02004 by ABS.