Videotape: SIRENS

0:01:45  What's New in Las Vegas 2004
_:__:__  end of show
1:06:10  The Simple Life Reunion
_:__:__  end of show
2:06:__  Bands Reunited: Berlin
_:__:__  end of show
3:06:33  The Daily Show: January 19, 2004
_:__:__  guest: Philip Seymour Hoffman
_:__:__  end of show
3:37:__  The Daily Show: January 20, 2004
_:__:__  guest: Jeff Garlin "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Weather Channel frag Feb. 18, 2004
4:14:25  Enterprise: "Doctor's Orders" (#316, air date 2/18/04)
_:__:__  end of show
5:15:00  Enterprise: "Hatchery" (#317, air date 2/25/04)
_:__:__  [end chopped]
6:08:14  end of tape

Last update 03-Oct-02004 by ABS.