0:00:00  That 70s Show [end only]
_:__:__  end of show
0:11:24  Nip/Tuck
0:17:__  Abby 1
0:36:29  Abby 2
0:52:34  Abby 3
1:07:06  Abby 4
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Travel Channel: Hellfire Club
_:__:__  end of show
2:08:57  Everybody Hates Chris: "Everybody Hates the Pilot" (1-1, 9/22/05)
_:__:__  end of show
_:__:__  Jay Leno [frag]
2:59:44  "re-run"
3:21:__  Tyler James Williams ("Chris")
_:__:__  end of show
3:42:45  Las Vegas: "Bait and Switch" (59, 1/2/06)
_:__:__  end of show
4:45:__  Everybody Hates Chris: "Everybody Hates Food Stamps" (1-9, 11/17/05)
           [start gone]
_:__:__  end of show
5:13:36  end of signal
_:__:__  end of tape

Last update Fri 24-Mar-02006 by ABS.