Project: PVC Pipe Puzzle



Cut PVC pipe into 3 12" pieces.

Holes large enough for monkey chow to fit through are cut between the stacked pipes on alternating ends (these holes need to be drilled before bolting the pipes together).

Stack pipes on top of each other and screw together with the bolts on either end.

Finger holes on the side facing the primate are drilled along the pipes, too small for the monkey chow to fit through, but large enough for the primates' fingertips.

On the back of the top pipe, and on the front of the bottom pipe, drill holes large enought to load/retrieve the monkey chow.

Mount the puzzle using the pipe ties from the puzzle through the bars of the enclosure.

The monkey chow is loaded by the keeper in the top hole, then the primate must push the chow through the levels of the puzzle using the finger holes until the chow gets to the retrieval hole.

(If you would like a diagram of this device to assist you in construction, please contact DBS and leave your fax number or address).

Species this can work for

-- this information comes from The Zoo.

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Last update 29-Aug-1998 by DBS.