Wrap the wire mesh tightly around the PVC pipe and secured, creating a long, narrow mesh tube with PVC located halfway between each end. Drill holes through both sides of the PVC pipe to accomodate blunt stainless steel pins (should slide freely). Attach colored wooden pegs to one end of each steel pin. The pegs may be colored with food dyes. Fasten a metal shower curtain ring to a string; lower it through the mesh tube until it barely extends through the bottom, then tie it to the top of the mesh tube. Since the string is entirely within the tube this helps prevent entanglement. Raise up the shower curtain ring to the top of the tube and attach food (e.g., whole fruit); insert the pins and lower the food onto the supporting pins. The animal must pull the correct color wooden pegs to pull the pins and allow the ring with the food to drop down to where it is suddenly accessible.
-- This information comes from The Lubee Foundation, Inc. Species suggestions other than bats comes from DBS.
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Last update 29-Aug-1998 by DBS.