Project: Hanging Buckets



Take off any handle the bucket might have.

Attach the dowel in the center of the bucket, sticking straight up about 6" taller than the bucket.

With the wood, divide the bucket into four even sections (looking into the bucket, the wood dividers should form an "x" shape with the dowel next to the middle); attach to the bucket and dowel.

Make a wooden top slightly larger than the bucket. The center of this top should have a hole for the dowel to go through, and also a hole just a little larger than the fist of the monkeys. This hole should be placed where it can be over the center of each section in the bucket when the top is placed over the dowel.

Place the top on the bucket, through the dowel.

Horizontally on the dowel just over the top place something (a screw, smaller dowel, etc.) that will keep the top from being lifted off by the monkeys but still allow it to spin around on the bucket. It should also be able to be removed by you for easy cleaning.

In the top of the dowel attach the metal ring, for easy hanging in the exhibits. (We have installed permanent ropes in the exhibits with clips for quick exchanges of toys).

Hide diet in all the sections of the bucket and the monkeys must spin the top to each of the sections to retrieve all the food. Also, tops with different ways to get to the different sections will get more advanced.

Species this can work for:

-- this information comes from The Zoo.

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Last update 29-Aug-1998 by DBS.