Philo [translated by F.H. Colson, Philo, Cambridge, MA: Harvard, 1954]
The Special Laws
I. 324-325 [referring to Deuteronomy 23:1]
But while the law stands pre-eminent in enjoining fellowship and humanity, it preserves the high position and dignity of both virtues by not allowing anyone whose state is incurable to take refuge with them, but bidding him avaunt and keep his distance. Thus, knowing that in assemblies there are not a few worthless persons who steal their way in and remain unobserved in the large numbers which surround them, it guards against this danger by precluding all the unworthy from entering the holy congregation. It begins with the men who belie their sex and are affected with effemination, who debase the currency of nature and violate it by assuming the passions and the outward form of licentious women. For it expels those whose generative organs are fractured or mutilated, who husband the flower of their youthful bloom, lest it should quickly wither, and restamp the masculine cast into a feminine form.
III. 37-42 [referring to Leviticus 18:22, 20:13]
Much graver than the above is another evil, which has ramped its way
into the cities, namely pederasty. In former days the very mention of it
was a great disgrace, but now it is a matter of boasting not only to the
active but to the passive partners, who habituate themselves to endure
the disease of effemination, let both body and soul run to waste, and leave
no ember of their male sex-nature to smoulder. Mark how conspicuously they
braid and adorn the hair of their heads, and how they scrub and paint their
faces with cosmetics and pigments and the like, and smother themselves
with fragrant unguents. For of all such embellishments, used by all who
deck themselves out to wear a comely appearance, fragrance is the most
seductive. In fact the transformation of the male nature to the female
is practised by them as an art and does not raise a blush. These persons
are rightly judged worthy of death by those who obey the law which ordains
that the man-woman who debases the sterling coin of nature should perish
unavenged, suffered not to live for a day or even an hour, as a disgrace
to himself, his house, his native land and the whole human race. And the
lover of such may be assured that he is subject to the same penalty. He
pursues an unnatural pleasure and does his best to render cities desolate
and uninhabited by destroying the means of procreation. Furthermore he
sees no harm in becoming a tutor and instructor in the grievous vices of
unmanliness and effeminacy by prolonging the bloom of the young and emasculating
the flower of their prime, which should rightly be trained to strength
and robustness. Finally, like a bad husbandman he lets the deep-soiled
and fruitful fields lie sterile, by taking steps to keep them from bearing,
while he spends his labour night and day on soil from which no growth at
all can be expected. The reason is, I think, to be found in the prizes
awarded in many nations to licentiousness and effeminacy. Certainly you
may see these hybrids of man and woman continually strutting about through
the thick of the market, heading the processions at the feasts, appointed
to serve as unholy ministers of holy things, leading the mysteries and
initiations and celebrating the rites of Demeter. Those of them who by
way of heightening still further their youthful beauty have desired to
be completely changed into women and gone on to mutilate their genital
organs, are clad in purple like signal benefactors of their native lands,
and march in front escorted by a bodyguard, attracting the attention of
those who meet them. But if such indignation as our lawgiver felt was directed
against those who do not shrink from such conduct, if they were cut off
without condonation as public enemies, each of them a curse and a pollution
of his country, many others would be found to take the warning. For relentless
punishment of criminals already condemned acts as a considerable check
on those who are eager to practise the like.