When the publishers of "The Art of Living" contacted me about
writing a review for publication on my site I gladly accepted and
looked forward to receiving a copy of the book. However, I admit
I was surprised when it arrived because it well surpassed my
already rather high expectations.
The "Art of Living -- A guide to contentment, joy and fulfillment" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a beautiful book both because of its aesthetic qualitites and because of its content. In a way one could say that it is two books each of which could have stood on its own merits.
First there are the 200 full color photographs of the landscape and people of Tibet by Ian Cummings that compliment the text of the book so well. Cummings' work is striking, vivid, and tremendously beautiful. And, fortunately for the reader, the publishers spared no expense in paper or print quality in reproducing these photgraphs in very high quality.
And then there are, of course, the words of wisdom from His Holiness. The text of the book is drawn from a series of lectures given at Wembley Conference Centre in London, England, in May 1993. His Holiness shines light on a variety of topics (including facing death and dying well, dealing with anger and emotion, directing love and compassion) in his characteristic straight-forward, simple, and warm style. During these confused times following the events of September 11, 2001 his words are even more valuable and relevant.
In summary, this is a lovely book all the way around and one that deserves a place on your bookshelf.