Cotton Clouds We don't want to make the gods sad, But for the sake of the green earth We need to give them headaches. Headaches? Why would the gods need headaches? Once upon a time there was no such thing as rain, And the world was all dry and brown. But then one god got a headache And took pills to relieve it. He threw the cotton from the pill bottle Away into our sky Where it became a rain cloud. With the rain came green growing things But they didn't last. After a while they withered back to brown Until the next time some god got a headache And threw his pill-bottle cotton Into our sky to make more clouds. When the gods decided they needed to have headaches more often To keep the world green They created humanity. Our job is to do strange quirky amusing things To get them thinking and wondering and laughing so hard That they get constant headaches And have to keep tossing pill-bottle cotton To make rain clouds to keep the world green. But we have to be careful. If we go beyond the strange and quirky Into the truly hurtful Like wars and murderous cruelty and taking evil advantage of others It makes the gods sad And they won't want to watch our strange amusing antics And won't get headaches And won't throw away pill-bottle cotton And the world will again be all dry and brown. -- Tom Digby First draft 17:30 04/15/2003 Entered 13:34 04/18/2003 Revised 13:54 04/30/2003 Revised 02:12 05/01/2003