Some of the Forebitters in the Dogwatch Gig Bag...

Last updated on Sun, Nov 14, 1999.

Adieu, Sweet Lovely Nancy
Barney Buntline
The Black Velvet Band
Boston Harbor
Bringing the Beer to Broome
A Capital Ship
Capstan Bar
Drunken Sailor
The Ebenezer
The Girls of Dublin Town
Handsome Cabin Boy
Heave Away, Me Johnnies
The Holy Ground
I's the B'y
Jolly Roving Tar (or Get Up Jack, John Sit Down)
The Leaving of Liverpool
Maggie May
Muirsheen Durkin
Paddy West
Paddy's Green Shamrock Shore
Rolling Home
Row, Bullies, Row
Sailor's Alphabet
Spanish Ladies
Strike The Bell, Second Mate

Please send bouquets or brickbats to Craig Johnson, web-rigger for this site.

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