There is a general problem with forecasts and scenarios and simulation modem runs that is hard to deal with, btw, and raises interesting ethical questions. That is, relatively unsophisticated users--and some sophisticated ones--tend to reify forecasts as being more meaningful than they were ever intended to be. In scenario planning, in which I specialize, some people embrace one or another scenario as the "most likely," which is not what scenarios are about at all. The worst examples of this reification seems to occur in quantitative business cultures with quantitative forecasts. Since the people are used to thinking in terms of numbers, numbers become the real thing. Or to put it more generally, the map gets mistaken for the territory. How to keep clients from falling into this trap is a real challenge sometimes. The ethical issue is in how forecasts and scenarios are presented. If you make presentations that *encourage* clients to fall into the map/territory trap, that's unethical, in my view.