Interfutz - Fall 2000

Monday 7 PM to 10 PM LAB,

Todd Blair: Fabrication and Kinetics

Don Day: Electronics and Sensors

Barney Haynes: Media and Programming

ccac office #510 594 3655

Week 1
Friday 9/8 Introduction to the class


Barney: Computers and the 
Hybrid Lab (RM. 304) Don: Power & Control
Electro Safety Todd: Introduction to Fabricating Electromechanical devices

Planing your design, sourceing your materials, research-research-research and fabricating

Week 2

Monday 9/11 LAB

Friday 9/15

Next weeks assignment: Suggested Artists


Don: Barney: Max

Week 3

Monday 9/18 LAB

Friday 9/22

Todd: Fabrication and Materials:

Don: Control elements and amplifiers Barney: Research Assignment part 1: Pick an artist
Steve Wilson's Massive Artist List
Classical Kinetic Artists

Groups and Organizations

Week 4

Monday 9/25 LAB

Friday 9/29
Component Research: Research using our bibliography and links to prepare for the field trip and random motion assignment.

Todd: Mechanical Movement

Don: Systems Barney: Max Research Assignment part 2: Present the artist's work

Week 5

Monday 10/2 LAB

Friday 10/6

Sources: Field Trip

Week 6

Monday 10/9 LAB

Friday 10/13

Don: Debugging Physical Systems

Debugging Virtual Systems and Programming techniques.

Week 7

Monday 10/16 LAB

Friday 10/20
Random Motion Assignment DUE

Guest Artist critique
Sara Roberts

Week 8

Monday 10/23 LAB

Friday 10/27

Todd: Individual Meetings



MAX Objects continued:

Week 9

DUE: Project Proposal/Description (in machine readable link or file, 323 words or more)

Monday 10/30 LAB

Friday 11/3



MAX Objects continued:

Todd: Variant Paths

Week 10

Monday 11/6 LAB

Friday 11/10 Variant Paths

Barney: Integration and Conclusion of MAX, nato 0.55 & ADB

Week 11

Monday 11/13 LAB

Friday 11/17 Alpha Prototype Due


Week 12

Monday 11/20 LAB

( Friday 11/24 Thanksgiving )

Week 13

Monday 11/27
Lab + Problem Solving

Friday 12/1
Lab + Problem Solving

Week 14

Monday 12/4
Lab + Problem Solving

Friday 12/8
Lab + Problem Solving

Week 15

Monday 12/11
Preparation for the show

Friday 12/15
Show and Final Critique

Grade Break Down

Attendance: Miss 3 classes lose 1 grade point, miss 4 you will not pass
(The Monday night Lab is not mandatory)

Active participation in class exercises and mini assignments and punctuality 20%

Week 4 9/25 Presentation Artist of choice 5%

Week 7 10/20 Random Motion Assignment 15%

Week 9 11/3 Project Proposal/Description (in machine readable link or file, 323 words or more) 15%

Week 11 11/17 Alpha> Prototype 15%

Week 15 12/15 Final show 30%

Missed or late assignments will result in the loss of associated percentage