InnerFUZZ - Spring 2001

Monday/Wednesday 7:15 PM to 10:15 PM Hybrid Lab

Todd Blair: Fabrication and Kinetics

Don Day: Electronics and Sensors

Barney Haynes: Media and Programming

  • Current projects
  • Week 1

    Wed. 1/17: Introduction to the class

    Set up Artist Presentation Schedule

    Research Assignment part 1: Pick an artist
    Steve Wilson's Massive Artist List
    Classical Kinetic Artists

    Groups and Organizations Barney: Computers and the Hybrid Lab (RM. 304) Don: Power & Control and Electro Safety Todd: Introduction to Fabricating Electromechanical devices

    Planing your design, sourcing your materials, researching and fabricating

    Week 2

    Monday 1/22


    Barney: Max Wednesday 1/24


  • Barney: Max
  • Week 3

    Monday 1/29

    Don: Control elements and amplifiers

    Barney: MIDI Interfaces, Wednesday 1/31

    Todd: Fabrication and Materials

    Barney: Week 4

    Monday 2/5

    1st Max Assignment Due:
    Create a Patch that strobes a light

        Video Showing

    Wednesday 2/7

        Random motion assignment due.

    Week 5

    Monday 2/12

    Don: Systems

    Barney: Integrating Max with the ADB/IO, and the EZIO Wednesday 2/14

    1st Group Presentations

    Todd: Power transmission I

    Barney: Integrating Max with the ADB/IO, and the EZIO cont.

    Saturday 2/17: Sources Field Trip

    Week 6

    Monday 2/19

    2nd Group Presentations

    Don: Debugging Physical Systems

    Wednesday 2/21

        Project Proposal Presentation: Description, Drawing or Model

    Week 7
    2nd Max Assignment:
    Build a patch that processes a range of input data and controls
    a motors direction.

    Barney: nato.0+55+ modular

    Wednesday 2/21

    Barney: nato.0+55+ modular

    Monday 2/26

    3rd Group Presentations

    Video Showing

    Wednesday 2/28

        Feasibility Analysis

    Week 8

    Monday 3/5
    Individual Meetings with Don: Problem Solving and Implementation Issues

    Barney: nato.0+55+ modular

    Wednesday 3/7

    4th Group Presentations

    Todd: Power Transmission II

    Barney: Intro to MSP SPRING BREAK

    Week 9

    Monday 3/19

    5th Group Presentations

    Don: Black boxes containing computer crap

    Barney: MSP & Sequencing

    Wednesday 3/21

        Alpha Prototype Due

    Week 10

    Monday 3/26

    Variant Paths and Consultations

    Wednesday 3/28

    6th Group Presentations

    Todd: Motion Lab I

    Barney: MSP

    Week 11

    Monday 4/2

    Barney: MSP

    Wednesday 4/4

    Todd: Motion Lab II

    Week 12

    Monday 4/9

        Beta Prototype Due

    Wednesday 4/11

    Individual Meetings with Don and Todd: Problem Solving and Implementation Issues

    Barney: Integration and Conclusion of MAX, nato 0.55 & MSP

    Week 13

    Monday 4/16

    Lab + Problem Solving

    Wednesday 4/18

    Lab + Problem Solving

    Week 14

    Monday  4/23

    Lab + Problem Solving

    Wednesday 4/25

        Final Critique Group 1

    Week 15

    Monday 4/30

        Final Critique Group 2

    Wednesday 5/2

        FINAL SHOW

    Grade Break Down

    Attendance: Miss 3 classes lose 1 grade point, miss 4 you will not pass

    Active participation in class exercises and mini assignments and punctuality 20%

    Week 3-12 Presentation Artist of choice 5%

    Week 4 2/7 Random Motion Assignment 10%

    Week 6 2/21 Project Proposal Presentation: Description, Drawing or Model 15%

    Week 7 2/28 Individual Meetings: Feasibility Analysis

    Week 9 3/21 Alpha Prototype 15%

    Week 12 4/9 Beta Prototype 15%

    Week 12 4/11 Individual Meetings: Problem Solving and Implementation Issues

    Week 14 TBD Final show 20%

    Missed or late assignments will result in the loss of associated percentage