Nest of Saws is a means to balance Social Testostracy. It was the Foresisters experience that boys who are naturally inclined to live as intellectuals, free-thinkers, artists, shamen and other Hardcore-Badasses have avenues and opportunities available to them for creative expression and social interaction that their female counterparts are often denied. Nest of Saws is an affirmation of the Hardcore-Badassness of Girls, and a forum in which this Hardcore-Badassness is experienced, expressed and exalted!

Happiness is being a Saw! The Nest of Saws insignia: well, it's a cunt with a saw blade in it.

Sorry Boys, but only Girls can be Saws! Don't think we don't love guys, though, cause you can be a whipping boy! A whipping boy is a good thing.

The patriarchy is really not funny; it doesn't have much of a sense of humor. But we can still laugh at it. CUNT can make us giggle and BITCH can mean "I love you", sluts rule, and whipping boys are super-stars, dig?