In January of 2005, I took some candid photos of WWVH, out on the west side of Kaua'i
Without revealing too much, let's just say these are rare views.
In searching the Web, I have not found any current photos of the facility. In addition, since the fall of 2001, the WWVH facility has been off-limits to the general pulic, due to it's location on the base of the Pacific Missle Range Facility (PMRF) at Barking Sands. Perhaps some day ordinary Americans will be trusted enough to be officially allowed to look at these interesting, unique, and might I add (with a touch of irony), tax-payer financed facilities.
A detailed close-up of the center vertical antenna system. Note the various other smaller antennas nearby. This is directly adjacent to the WWVH main building.
The vertical radiator closest to the main building in the center of WWVH antenna farm.
Looking in at the center of the facility from the beach trail
This is a view of the central vertical tower and the main building just behind it.
Looking towards the vertical radiator at the north end of the compound.
A close-up view of the north vertical radiator. There is a complex array of antenna wire atop each of the vertical towers at WWVH. It is obvious that a complete re-design of these antenna systems was done after hurricane Iniki.
The view south towards Kekaha from the barking Sands beach just outside WWVH.
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