station rose
1st decade.
1988-98.10 years of native multimedia art.
Sample 04/88: der ausgang dieser geschichte findet überall statt.
texts by
204 pages, german/partly english, with many illustrations, bw & color, 20 x 22,5 cm, 600 grams.
edition selene ISBN: 3-85266-082-3 VP: 344,- öS / 47,- DM -----order online at these locations:
1st decade- Das Buch is released at the frankfurt book fair in october ´98.
Book Tour : frankfurt-vienna-berlin-hamburg---
premiere: 8th of october, 9.p.m.- at ostklub/Hanauer Ldstr99, Frankfurt.
2nd event: MAK / Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna, October 26th, 4 p.m.
3rd event: Westwerk/Hamburg, Dec. 5th.
Midi-Live: Museumsquartier/Vienna "Construction Sounds", Dec. 10th.
coming: Berlin / major Aussendienst-activities.
Le programme "das Buch - ensemble avec hypermedia atmosphere":
The Booktour will see "Station Rose im Aussendienst" = on field duty again. Adapting the locations, STR will install a hypermedia setting of sounds and visuals out of the digital archive. The powerbook & us in the role of fractal chairmen will talk about the book. We will present music and QTs, videos (over P.A. and projections), live- from HD & tape, extending the concept of a mobile "Gunafa Clubbing" as well, which started in 1989. STR will show Lichtkästen /light boxes, a moving message, print outs & more.
Planned : STR "im gespraech" with special guests on location. The same goes with webcasting live from the tour.
Compared to a Station Rose MIDI-performance with a huge amount of technical equipment (P.A. and huge screens, projectors ) the Booktour "Station Rose im Aussendienst" is the other part of STR-live, the so called reduced digital room installation, with a handy mobile set of hardware & artproduction.