

Opening of STATION ROSE as a public multimedia-lab in Vienna, 11th of March .

"Flags & Hymns", multimediaproject for the opening, Vienna . With participation of

Gerwald Rockenschaub, Bob Adrian, Helmut Mark, F.M. Einheit, Elisa Rose, Der PLAN, Gary Danner and others.

"Samples", Symposion, Vienna. With contributions by Zelko Wiener, Mathias Fuchs, Phoenix ("Österreichs Pressagentur für Ökologisches und Alternativpolitisches", in the Internet ) and more.

-> first Station Rose online event !

"Station on Field Duty", multimedia research in Cairo/Egypt during 8 months.



"Arabian Sands", Soloexhibition & concert at Gallery Gawlik & Schorm, Vienna.

Videoedition, Catalogue & Multiples.

"Station on Field Duty", multimedia research in Cairo/Egypt. Production of objekts, fashion &


"Gunafa Show", Multimediaperformance at the Ars Electronica, Linz,

a result of multimedia research in Egypt.

"Gunafa Pavillion", STR-media lab at the Ars Electronica, Linz.



"Mind Machines", Symposion on Cyberspace & Virtual Realities, Vienna.

"Public Brain Session", premiere of, Vienna. Opto- acoustic generation of theta-waves for the stimulation of the brain.

"The Broiler Project", with Christoph Tannert / Berlin East.

Christoph Tannert informs about "Avantgarde in the DDR?", "Warenwerte", Videos, lecture, vinyl. Vienna.

"Gunafa Clubbing", premiere of. Hypermedia installation, Public Brain Session,Techno LIVE. Vienna.

"Windows", series of Installations in the windows of Station Rose, Vienna. With contribitions by Helmut Mark & F.E. Rakuschan, Peter Sandbichler and more. "Kunst im öffentlichen Raum"/art in public space.

Multimedia-Installation with Public Brain Session Performance at Westwerk, Hamburg.

"Public Brain Tour", BRD, Switzerland, USA, 2 gigs with Timothy Leary.

Performance at "Cyberthon", San Francisco.



Emigration from Vienna to Frankfurt.

Settling in Cyberspace via e-mail "The Well", San Francisco. Since then ONLINE !

Closing of the Station Rose in Vienna, transfer to cyberspace.

E-Mail address ( .

"Gunafa 2000", at NGBK museum, Berlin. solo-exhibition with Multiples, Live-Performance, Internetconnection with Howard Rheingold in San Francisco. "Virtual greetings from Dr. Timothy Leary".

"Virtual Reality as a New Frontier", Research-contract from the austrian ministry of science & research about virtual reality & cyberspace. The results were published as a CD ROM for the Amiga system.

"Station Rose on Field Duty" in California, USA.



"Gunafa Clubbing", Multimedia-Sequencing Live, at XS Club/Frankfurt. Highly accepted by the techno- underground scene. cult status (Prinz Frankfurt) !

CD-ROM Production "Virtual Reality as a New Frontier", in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry for Science & Research. -> FIRST Station Rose CD ROM!

"Gunafa 2000", EP/CD Production (Nr. 9 of "Global Techno Power Charts", Detroit).

"DigitEyes/Dave", LP/CD Production, "LP of the week"/MTV, The Party Zone.



Foundation of hypermedia-label "GUNAFA". Release of CD ROMs und Vinyls.

"Reise zu den Quellen/travel to the sources ", Multimedia research in Japan.

"FAB 505 - Vernetzte Zelle/networking cell", Hypermedia Installation & Multimedia Sequencing live, at MAK/Austrian Museum for Applied Arts, Vienna.

"Station Rose Interaktiv", Soloexhibition in theGallery Tröster & Schlüter, Frankfurt. CD ROM,

Multiples, Neon Shop Window Displays, Print-Outs.

Multimedia-Live-Tour through 10 german cities.

Regular Multimedia - Events at "Ebene 7/level7",

Frankfurt. Multimedia-Performance with Terence McKenna.

"FAB 505", EP/Video production, number 3 of the "New Musical Express -Techno Charts", London.



Production of the CD/CD-ROM "Icons, Morphs & Samples".

Production of CD-ROM "Surfing on Electronic Surfaces: 15 years of Ars Electronica". An interactive artistic observation of the festivals history.



"Mind Children", CD-Single.

"Gunafa Clubbing / Internet Lounge" at "The Box", Frankfurt. Global internet connection through "The WELL", San Francisco.

Field-research in California, USA. Deepening of the relationship to & cooperation with Howard Rheingold, John Coate (S.F. Chronicle), The WELL, Dr. Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna and others.

Establishing of the STATION ROSE WWW-PAGE in Frankfurt. Supported by Stella Rollig, the curator of the Austrian Ministry for Science and Art.

"World Wide Jam", regular multimedia reports for Howard Rheingolds "Digital Zeitgeist" in the internet.



Production of the CD extra "Phosphoric Brain Massage" for Sony Music.

Interactive multimedia art, text, audio & a special tribute to Timothy Leary.

Station Rose appointed "Hosts of the Frankfurt Conference" und "World Wide Jammers" at "ELECTRIC MINDS". High acceptance by the press (Time, Newsweek).



Release of the CD extra "Phosphoric Brain Massage" on Sony Music


Station Rose host their Frankfurt Conference on adaily basis und report as "World Wide Jammers" on a monthly basis at Howard Rheingolds "ELECTRIC MINDS".


Release of "TREE" (4-track vinyl) on Sony Music



1988: "Oriental Light", Museum Ludwig, Cologne.


1989: "Design Wien", Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna.

"Museum des 21. Jahrhunderts/museum of the 21st century", Vienna.

"Im Netz der Systeme", Ars Electronica, Linz.


1990: "Art Frankfurt". Station Rose represented by Gallery Gawlik & Schorm/Vienna, & Gallery Karin Sachs/Munich.

"Sommeratelier", European group exhibion (catalogue), Hannover.

"Steirischer Herbst/Styrian Autumn" - Mobile Halle. Performance, Graz.

"Cyberthon" (A 24-hour Adventure in Virtual Reality) Performance, San Francisco.


1991: "1st European Software Festival", Munich.


1992: "36 Räume/36 rooms", Berlin. group exhibition in Berlin Mitte.

"Expeditionen 92", performance, Munich.

"Virtuelle Rituale", performance, Freiburg.

"Interactiva", Cologne. lecture.


1993: "Mediale", Hamburg. CD-ROM demonstration.

"Unit n", Wien. lecture & performance.

"Interactiva", Cologne. lecture.

"Popkomm", Cologne. lecture.


1994: "Chromapark", Berlin. cd-rom demonstration.

"Prix Ars Electronica", award. Linz.

"European Media Art Festival", Osnabrück. lecture.

"MTV-The Party Zone", London.

"Art Finale", Nürnberg. performance.


1995: Howard Rheingold´s "Digital Zeitgeist", internet.

"Auskunft", Depot Vienna.

"Frankfurter Multimediatage´96", Frankfurt. lecture

"Frankfurter Trendtage", Frankfurt.

"Frankfurter Buchmesse".

"Cataloging", Hamburg.

"musiCon 95", Frankfurt.

"Telematic Cities", Gelsenkirchen.

"Popkomm", Cologne.


1996: "Burning the Interface", Exhibition of

Avantgarde-CD ROMs, Sydney.

"Kursbuch Internet", Bollmann Verlag, Germany.

"ELECTRIC MINDS/World Wide Jam &

Frankfurt Conference", Internet.


1997: "ELECTRIC MINDS", Internet.

"SUNFLOWER", Germany.

"NATURE ONE", Germany.

"COSMIC CIRCUS", Frankfurt.

"ARS ELECTRONICA", Linz, Austria.


1998: "TRANSMEDIALE", Berlin, Deutschland.


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