Teacher Resource Room

Observing Clouds


Students learn what clouds are made of and how they form. Students can describe the characteristics of different kinds of clouds.


Students read two paragraphs about clouds on a web site for kids, and answer
questions on a worksheet. Then, they click on the names of different kinds of
clouds to look at photos of them. They write down the names of three types of clouds and describe them in their own words.



    1. On the desktop, double-click on Netscape or Internet Explorer.
    2. Next to the word “Location,” or “Address,” at the top of the page, type in: www.whnt19.com/kidwx/clouds.htm
    3. Hit “Enter.”
    4. Read over the questions on the Cloud Worksheet.
    5. Read the web page. Fill out answers to the first two questions.
    6. Use the arrow on the side of the page to go up to the top of the web site.
    7. Click on “Cloud Boutique.” Or click here!
    8. Use the arrow on the side of the page to go down, until you see names of clouds underlined in blue.
    9. Click on the names to see pictures of the clouds. Here's an example of cumulus clouds!
    10. Write down the name of the cloud and describe what you see in your own words on the worksheet.