How to Use the Hewlett Packard ScanJet 4c
To Scan an Image
To Save to a Disk
To Print or Modify an Image
To Scan in an Image
Turn on the scanner first by pushing the power button on
the side near the back.
Turn on the computer next to the scanner.
Go to the Start menu, go to Programs, go to PaperPort, and
select PaperPort again from that menu.
When PaperPort opens, you will see some of the photos that
have been previously scanned.
Open the scanner lid and place your photo or picture in the
upper left-hand corner, face down.
Go to the top left corner of the screen and click the Scan
button. You will see this window appear. The page type default
is Picture, which is fine if you are scanning an image.
Click on Scan.
You will see a preview of the scanned image. The scanner
scans the whole area under the lid, so you need to select just your picture.
Click on one of the dotted line tools at the top right of
the window. Click and drag to select your image or the part of your image
that you want.
The button with the circle on it at the left of the window
sharpens the image.
Click on Options. You can set the picture to be black
and white, or just color. If you choose Color Photograph (Best),
the image will take up more space.
Click on the Printer icon on the left to change the resolution
and quality of the image. 600 dpi is a normal setting. The
larger the number, the more space the file takes up on your disk.
When you are finished changing the settings, click OK.
Now, click Accept! It will scan just the part that
you selected. The scanned image will appear on the screen.
If you want, experiment with the tools on the left to add
lines, text or highlighting to the image. To crop the image, select
the area you want with the dotted rectangle, go to the Edit menu and choose
To Save to a Disk
The computer hooked up to the scanner is not hooked up to
a printer. You will need to save the image to a disk and print from
another computer.
To save the image to a disk, go to the File menu and choose
You will see a pop-up window which lets you choose where
to save, and what format to save in.
Click on the format menu at the bottom to see the options
for formats. Use the arrows on the side of the menu to see all the
possible formats.
The default format is JPEG. JPEG is compact and
can be opened in Netscape. If you want to print your image as is,
and extremely high quality is not important, stick with JPEG. You
can insert it directly into a web page.
If you want to modify the image further in Paint, you can
save it as a Windows Bitmap file (.bmp) or as a PC Paintbrush file (.pcx).
To get higher quality and to modify further, you can experiment
with other formats. You may have to open them in PhotoShop, which
is only on a few computers in the lab. Other formats may also take
up more space on your disk. See the Technology Resource Teacher for
To Print or Modify the Image
Take your disk out and take it to another computer that is
hooked up to a printer.
If you saved the image as JPEG, double click on it and it
will open in Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. You can insert
it in a web page or just print it by going to the File menu and choosing
If you saved it as Bitmap or PC Paintbrush, open the Paint
application. Go to the Start menu, go to Accessories, and choose
Paint. Once you are in Paint, choose open and select the scanned
file from your disk. You can use Paint tools and features to modify
it. Once you are done modifying it, you can print it, or insert it
in a word processing document. To insert it in a Microsoft Works
or Word document, just select the image in Paint and copy it. Then
go to your document, and choose Paste.
For other formats, see the Technology Resource Teacher to
use a computer with Photoshop.
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