Multicultural Education Links

Teaching Multiculturalism in the Classroom
African American Sites
Latino and Spanish Sites
Native American Sites
Asian and Asian American Sites
Strategies for Teaching African American Students
Language - Bilingual Education and Ebonics

Featured Site - Amazing Resources! Guide for Minority Students In STEM

Teaching Multiculturalism in the Classroom

College Guide for Current and Prospective LGBT Students

What Color is Beautiful?
Southern Poverty Law Center
Multicultural Teacher's Corner

Culturally Authentic Bias
Rethinking Discipline
Motivating Students to Do Quality Work
A Classroom Simulation on the Distribution of Wealth
Ronald Takaki discusses Multicultural Education

The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network:  GLSEN

African American Sites

MELANET'S WATOTO WORLD:  Web Site for Children, Parents and Educators of African Descent
The African American Web Connection
Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech - a Scholastic lesson
Dr. King Timeline
African Americana Webliography
Inspiring Quotes by African Americans -- Great Eagle Wisdom

Native American Sites

Arte Maya Tz'utuhil, Oil Paintings by Mayan Indians
Why Did the Maya Disappear?

The Maya Astronomy Page

Asia & Asian American Sites

Chinese Historical and Cultural Project
Ask Asia


Western Religions in Mr. Dowling's Virtual Classroom
Judaism 101
Judaism and Jewish Resources - Andrew Tannenbaum
A Brief History of Buddhism

Strategies for Teaching African American Students

Rethinking Schools -- Of Eagles and Chickens
Rethinking Schools -- Of Eagles and Chickens -- Supplemental Resources
National Alliance of Black School Educators - NABSE

Language - Bilingual Education and Ebonics

History of Bilingual Education - from Rethinking Schools
Ebonics - Analysis by African American Educator Lisa Delpit from Rethinking Schools
Ebonics - an Interview with an Oakland School Teacher from Rethinking Schools

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