U.G.'s Books, Interviews, and References
Books in English on or about U.G.:
Note: The
first publication on U.G., in 1978, is the Kannada translation of his
Conversations, titled, Illi Vadavilla - Iruvudella Veda by B.A.
Ranganath, M.A.
1. THE MYSTIQUE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: The Unrational Ideas of a Man Called U.G. Edited by: Rodney Arms. First Edition: 1982. Second Edition: 1992. Third Edition: Published by: Sahasramana Prakashana, #625, 9th Cross, 4th Main, 3rd Block, BEL Layout, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore 560 097. India. Tel: 091-080-838-1290. E -mail: rgmehendale@yahoo.com. 2001. Price Rs. 150. 2. MIND IS A MYTH -- Disquieting Conversations with the Man Called U.G.: Edited by Terry Newland. Published by: Dinesh Publications, Post Betim (Volant) GOA, 403 101, INDIA, 1988. Price: $10 (approx.). 3. THOUGHT IS YOUR ENEMY-- Mind-Shattering Conversations with the Man Called U.G.: Edited by: Anthony Paul Frank Noronha and J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty. Published by: Sowmya Publications, Bangalore, INDIA. 1991. Price: $7 (approx.) 4. THE SAGE AND THE HOUSEWIFE: By Shanta Kelker. Published by: Sowmya Publications, Bangalore, INDIA. 1990. Price: $8 (approx.)
Edition: Published by Smriti Books, New Delhi, 110 014. E-mail:
mail@smritibooks.com. INDIA.
2005. 5. NO WAY OUT-- Further Dialogues with U.G.: Edited with Introduction by: J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty and Anthony Paul Frank Noronha. Published by: Akshaya Publications, Bangalore, INDIA. 1992. Price: $10 (approx.) 6. U. G. KRISHNAMURTI -- A LIFE: (Biography of U.G. by the Indian film maker Mahesh Bhatt). Published by: Viking - Penguin, India. 1992. Price: $12 (approx.)
Also, U. G.
KRISHNAMURTI -- A LIFE: By Mahesh Bhatt, Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, 11
Community Centre, Panschasheel Park, New Delhi 110017. Revised Edition,
2001. 7. A TASTE OF LIFE: BY Mahesh Bhatt. Published by Penguin Books India. 2009. Price Rs. 225. 8. THE SEED BENEATH THE VOLCANO: A DRAMATIZED BIOGRAPHY OF U.G.KRISHNAMURTI: By Kollukuduru Rajasekhara Reddy, 2006. Published on-line on UG's website. 9. THE NATURAL MAN -- Poems on U.G.: One hundred verse libre by Larry Morris. Edited with Introduction by: J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty. Published by: Hillside Community Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. 1993. Price: $15 (approx.) The entire text of this book is now put on the Internet by Peter Maverick at http://thenaturalman.blogspot.com. 10. THE COURAGE TO STAND ALONE -- Conversations with U.G. Krishnamurti: Transcribed and Edited by Ellen J. Chrystal from the original audio tapes produced by Henk Schonewille. Published by Plover Press, New York, [Website: http://www.autonomedia.org]. 1997. Price: $10 (approx.) Also, THE COURAGE TO STAND ALONE-- Conversations with U.G. Krishnamurti: Transcribed and Edited by Ellen J. Chrystal. Foreword by Mahesh Bhatt. First Indian Edition: 2001. Smriti Books, Publishers, 124, Siddhartha Enclave, New Delhi, 110 014. [Website: www.spbenterprises.com; e-mail: sunitapb@hotmail.com.] Distributors: New Age Books, a-44 Naraina Phase 1, New Delhi - 110 028. Website: www.newagebooksindia.com; E-mail: info@newagebooksindia.com.
11. THE LITTLE BOOK OF QUESTIONS: Compliled and edited by Mahesh Bhatt and Published by Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panschasheel Park, New Delhi 110017. 2000. 12. A. CURSE IS BROKEN: by P. J. Rao, D. No. 49-3-3, Lalitha Nagar, Visakhapatnam-16, A. P. India. Phone: 2746098. 2003. 13. STOPPED IN OUR TRACKS -- Stories of U.G. in India: from the Notebooks of K. Chandrasekhar. Translated from the Telugu by J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty. Published by Smriti Books, New Delhi, India. 2005. e-mail: mail@smritibooks.com. 14. STOPPED IN OUR TRACKS -- (Second Series) -- UG-ANECDOTES, COMMENTS AND REFLECTIONS: from the Notebooks of K. Chandrasekhar. Translated from the Telugu by J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty. Published by The Firsthand Publications. Bangalore, India. 2010. 15. THE NATURAL STATE -- In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti: Compiled and Edited by Peter Maverick. Published by Smriti Press, New Delhi. 2005. 16. THE OTHER SIDE OF BELIEF --interpreting u.g. kRISHNAMURTI: By Mukunda Rao. Published by Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panschasheel Park, New Delhi 110017. 2000. 17. U.G. KRISHNAMURTI READER: Edited by Mukunda Rao. Published by Penguin Books India (P) Ltd, New Delhi. 2000. 18. THE BIOLOGY OF ENLIGHTENMENT -- UNPUBLISHED CONVERSATIONS OF U.G.KRISHNAMURTI AFTER HE CAME INTO THE NATURAL STATE (1967-71): Edited with an Introducion by Mukunda Rao. Published by HarperCollins Publishers India, New Delhi. 2010. 19. U. G. SAYS... SELECTIONS FROM U.G.KRISHNAMURTI: By Arun Bhubani. Bombay. June 2006. 20. U.G.-- A JOURNEY OF HEALING: A book poetry by Larry Morris. Published by Hillside Press, Albuqerque, New Mexico. 2009. 21. BEING YOURSELF -- ESSAYS ON U.G.KRISHNAMURTI AND RELATED TOPICS: By J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty. Published on-line. 2009. Can be downloaded from www.beyondpoetry.com 22. SELF-REALIZATION WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO U.G.KRISHNAMURTI -- A STUDY BY SATYA SIMHA. MATERIALS TOWARD HIS UNFINISHED DOCTORATE DEGREE. Author deceased prematurely in an accident before completing his doctorate. Published by his wife. Bangalore. 2010. 23. GET LOST AND STAY LOST -- ON THE ROAD WITH UG KRISHNAMURTI: By Julie Thayer. On line publication: http://www.travelswithug.com. 2010. 24. THE SEED BENEATH THE VOLCANO -- A DRAMATIZED BIOGRAPHY OF U.G. KRISHNAMURTI: By Kollukuduru Rajasekhara Reddi. Online publication: on this site: The_Seed_Beneath_the_Volcano.pdf. 2011. 25. GONER: THE FINAL TRAVELS OF UG KRISHNAMURTI: By Louis Brawley. Published by Non-Duality Press, Salisbury, U.K. 2011. 26. U.G. A JOURNEY OF HEALING: By Larry Morris. Published by Hillside Press, Albuquerque, NM. 2009.
Most the books listed above can be ordered directly from Akshaya Publications, 201, Gandhi Bazar, Bangalore, 560 004 India (Phone: 610389. Fax: 91-80-661-0666 IC-30). The Natural Man can be ordered from Hillside Community Church, 435 Jefferson, S.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 (Phone: (505) 254-2606).
U.G.Krishnamurti -- A Life can be ordered from the Viking - Penguin in India or other Branches of Viking - Penguin. Prices should include shipping and handling.
The Courage to Stand Alone is distributed by Autonomedia, 55 South 11th ST., Brooklyn, NY, 11211-0568, Phone-Fax: (718) 963-2603.
The new edition of The Courage to Stand Alone can be ordered from: http://non-dualitypress.org/products/the-courage-to-stand-alone
The Third Edition of
The Mystique of Enlightenment can be ordered from Sahasranama
Prakashana, #625, 9th Cross, 4th Main, 3rd Block, BEL Layout, Vidyaranyapura,
Bangalore, - 560 097, India. Tel: (091) - 080 - 8381290. E-mail:
Books on
U.G. have been translated into nearly every European language - French, Dutch,
Polish, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. Chinese and Japanese translations are on
the way.
1. U G-r sangay Palm Spring-a Choddo Din: By Dr. Sabyasachi Guha. Published by: Ramakrishna Chathopadhyaya. Hindmotor, Bengal, India. 2009.
2. U G Krishnamurti -- Ek Jibanto Kahini: By Mahesh Bhatt. Translated by Dr. Sabyasachi Guha. Published by: Ramakrishna Chathopadhyaya. Hindmotor, Bengal, India. 2011.
No Way Out: Bengali
Translation by Nannu Mahbub. Publisher and Distributor: Shrabon Prokashani,
Dhaka-1000, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2014.
2. LE MENTAL EST UN MYTHE: Entretiens Deroutants avec U.G. By: Paule Salvan. Published by: Editions Les Deux Océans, Paris, France, 1988.
3. LA PENSEE EST VOTRE ENNEMIE: Entretiens Fracassants avec U.G. By: Paule Salvan. Published by: Editions Les Deux Océans, Paris, France, 1992.
4. COLOQUINTESSENCE: Instantane avec U.G. By Yvette Rielle. Translated from English by Marie-Charlotte Grandry. Published by Les Deux Océans, Paris, France, 1993.
5. LE DOS AU MUR [Le Mythe de la Perfection]: Translation of COURAGE TO STAND ALONE by Jean-Michel Terdjman with his commentary. Published by: Editions Les Deux Océans, Paris, France, 1998.
6. U.G. -- PERTINENCES IMPERTINENTES: By Charles Antoni. Editions Charles Antoni L'Originel, Paris, France, 1999.
2. WISSENSCHAFT UND SPIRITUALIT�T ["Science and Spirituality," by J.S.R.L.Narayana Moorty]: Translated by Ulla Inayat-Khan. Published on the Internet at U.G.'s Website. 1997.
3. ERSTE UND LETZTE ÖFFENTLICHE REDE U.G.S nach seiner Kalamität [First and Last Public Talk after Calamity] -Translated by Ulla Inayat-Khan. Published on the Internet at U.G.'s website. 1997.
4. EIN VORGESCHMACK DES TODES [A Taste of Death] - Translated by Ulla Inayat-Khan and Published on the Internet at U.G.'s website, 1998.
5. DAS ENDE DER SEHNSUCHT [The Mind is a Myth] - Translated by Ulla Marten and Published on the Internet at U.G.'s website, 2002.
6. DER MUT, ALLEIN ZU STEHEN [The Courage to Stand Alone] - Translated by Ulla Inayat-Khan and Published on the Internet at U.G.'s website, 2003.
2. L'INGANNO DELL' ILLUMINAZIONE: By Tommaso Iorco. Published by: Aria Nuova, Torino, Italy. 1996.
3. IL PENSIERO E'IL TUO NEMICO: Dialoghi Sconcertanti sulla vita degli esseri umani. By: Giovanni Turchi. Published by: Aequilibrium, Milan, Italy. 1997.
4. IL FIORE RARO: U.G. come l'ho conosciuto io. By Pierlugi Piazza, 1997.
5. IL CORAGGIO DI ESSERE SE STESSI: Conversazione in Amsterdam con un uomo chiamato U.G. By Pierlugi Piazza, 1997.
6. IL CORAGGIO DI STARE IN PIEDI DA SOLI: Translated by Giovanni Turchi. Aequilibrium - Ing, Via Ciceri Visconti, 10 - 20137, Milano, Italy. 2000.
LO STATO NATURALE: Scopri l'essenziale con U.G. AEQUILIBRIUUM (Press).
The aphorisms of U.G. collected and translated by Giovanni Turchi. 2003. e-mail:
8. U.G. Liberarsi delle illusioni (nuove conversationi con U.G. Krishnamurti). Traducttori: Maria Luisa Quintavalle Macroedizioni Corso. ISBN 8876160132. July 2004.
2. YAREE MATHINAMALLA JANGAMA?: By S.A. Shama Rao. Published by: Sowmya Publications, Mysore, India, 1999.
3. UG - Bayala Belagu: By S.A. Shamarao, Published by: Sahasramana Prakashana, Bangalore - 97,
4. U.G. -- YOGAYILLADA JWALA: By S. A. Shamarao, Published by: IBHP Publishers, Bangalore, India. 2010.
rest of the information is in Korean)
1. UMYST JEST MITEM [Mind is a Myth]: Niepokojace Rozmowy z Czlowiekiem Zwanym U.G. . Thesaurus Press, Warsaw, Poland. 1994.
2. MISTYKA, OSWIECENIE The Mystique of Enlightenment]: Mistyfikacje swietego biznesu. Stanley, Warsaw, Poland, 1997.
3. MYSL JEST TWOIM WROGIEM [Thought is Your Enemy]. Limbus, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2002 (e-mail: ksiegarnia@limbus.com.pl).4. ODWAGA BYCIA SAMOTNYM [The Courage to Stand Alone]. Limbus, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2002.
5. Polish translations by Cezary Wójcik of Mind is a Myth, No Way Out, Courage to Stand Alone and Thought is Your Enemy can also be accessed on line at:
6. MYSL JEST TWOIM WROGIEM (Thought is your Enemy), Translated by Dorota Konieczka, Published in 2002 by Dom Wydawniczy LIMBUS, 85-959 Bydgoszcz 2, skr. poczt. 21; tel/fax (0-52) 328-79-74, email: ksiegarnia@LIMBUS.COM.PL.
7. ODWAGA BYCIA SAMOTNYM (The Courage to Stand Alone), Translated by Agnieszka Rolka, Published in 2002 by Dom Wydawniczy LIMBUS, 85-959 Bydgoszcz 2, skr. poczt. 21; tel/fax (0-52) 328-79-74, email: ksiegarnia@LIMBUS.COM.PL.
2. LA MENTE ES UN MITO: Inquietantes Conversaciones con Un Hombre Llamado U.G. Edited and Published by: Editorial Sirio, S.A. Malaga, Spain. 1989.
3. EL CORAJE DE ESTAR SOLO: Edited and Published by: Ed. Gulaab. 07192 Estellences, Mallorca, Spain. 1998.
4. EL PENSAMIENTO ES TU ENEMIGO: Translated and Published by: Editorial Gulaab. Mallorca, Spain. 1999. email: osho@arrakis.es
5. CUANDO DEJAS DE BUSCAR - RELATOS SOBRE U.G. EN LA INDIA: by K. Chandrasekhar. Translated by: Sabra ( Shalabha Beltran). Ediciones Gulaab, 2002. Calle Alquimia, 6, 28933 Mostoles (Madrid), Spain. tel: 91-614-53-46; 91-614-58-49. email: alfaomega@sew.es
6. "DESTELLOS DE SABIDURIA" U.G. KRISHNAMURTI (THE LITTLE BOOK OF QUESTIONS IN SPANISH): Ediciones Luz de Luna. ISBN: 987-95257-9-5, printed in Argentina. 2003. Luz de Luna Centro Gestaltico de Estudio y Meditacion. Director, Graciela Cohen. 11 de septiembre 2850 (C1429BIB), Buenos Aires, Argentina. telfax: (54+11) 4787-0374 centro@luzdeluna.org.ar www.luzdeluna.org.ar.
1. Manam Oru
Punaikathai (Mind is a Myth): Translated
by Georgina Peter, M.A. Published by Gandhi
Kannadhasan. Kannadhasan Pathippagam, 23 Kannadhasan
Salai, Thiyagaraya Nagar, Chennai - 600017, India.
Phone: 044-5207 7776 / 2433 2682, email:
December 2003.
2. Thanithu Nirkkum Thunivu (Courage to Stand Alone): Translated by Rajalakshmi Shivalingam. Published by Gandhi Kannadhasan. Chennai, India. June 2004.
Gnanamadaithal Endral Puthir (Mystique
of Enlightenment): Translated by B.
Udayakumar, M.C.A.Published by Gandhi
Kannadhasan. Chennai, India. November, 2004.
4. ENNAMTHAN UNGALIN ETHIRI (Thought is your Enemy): Translated by B. Udayakumar, M.C.A. Published by Gandhi Kannadhasan, Chennai, India. July 2005.
Out): Translated by Georgina Kandasami,
M.A. Published by Gandhi Kannadhasan,
Chennai, India. June 2005.
Telugu: 1. U.g.Krishnamurti -- Life and philosophy: By Sri Sarvari. Published by: Master Yogashram, Secunderabad, India. 2008. 2. U.G.KRISHNAMURTI -- Jeevitam, Drkpatham (1928-2007): By Abburi Chaayaa Devi. Published by: C. P. Brown Academy, Hyderabad, India. 2011.
2. UM JE MIT-- Uznemirujuci razgovori sa covekom svanim Ju Dzi: Tranlated by: Nilolic Natasa. Published by: Esotheria, Narodna biblioteka Srbije. Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1996.
2. The Hindi Translation of the above biography entitled NA KHATM HONEWALI KAHANI by Jagadamba Prasad Dikshit has been published by: Vani Prakashan, New Delhi, India in 1996.
3. AB MAI KAUN HUN? [HindiTranslation of A Taste of Death by Mahesh Bhatt] has been published by Vani Prakashan, New Delhi. 1997.
4. AVICHAR -- U.G.Krishnamurti, Jivani ra Vartaharu: [NO THOUGHT: U.G.Krishnamurti, Life and Teaching]: Nepalese work edited by: K. C. Ramesh. Published by: Nirvan Prakashan, Khatmandu, Nepal. 1995.
1. Close Encounters -- A Journey of Spiritual Discovery and Adventure: T.V. Interview with U. G. Krishnamurti. By: Roxi Ian McNay. Published by: The Roximillion Publications Company, London, England.
2. Thinking Allowed -- Conversations on the Leading Edge of Knowledge: T. V. Interview with U.G. Krishnamurti. By: Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. Published by: Council Oak Books. Tulsa, Oklahoma.
3. Coloquintessence -- Instantane avec U.G.: In French. Radio-Suisse Romande, Lausanne, Switzerland. By: Yvette Rielle. Published by: Editions Les Deux Oceans. Paris, France.
2. THE NEXT STEP IN HUMAN EVOLUTION: An interview on U.G.'s book, The Mystique of Enlightenment, with Rabbi Alvin Bobroff, New York. 1988. 1 hour.
3. CONVERSATION: Doordarshan (Indian T.V.). Interview with Rajiv Mehrotra. Feb. 1989. 1/2 hour.
4. BREAKFAST SHOW: Doordarshan (Indian T.V.). Interview with Shashi Kumar. Dec. 1989. 1/2 hour.
5. THE NATURAL STATE: Documentary made by Dutch television students and shown later on Dutch Television. 1988. 20 minutes.
6. DIMENSIONS IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY: Interview with Bryce Bond. New York. Nov. 1989. 1 hour.
7. CALAMITY CONSCIOUSNESS: Interview with Roxy McNay. New York. Oct. 1989. 1/2 hour.
8. INTERVIEW WITH JOHN WREN-LEWIS: Australian T.V. March 1990. 1/2 hour.
9. INTERVIEW WITH MAHESH BHATT: Doordarshan (Indian T.V.). Apr. 1991. 1/2 hour.
10. INTERVIEWS with JOHN WREN-LEWIS: Sydney, Australia. Nov. 1991. 30 minutes and 28 minutes.
11. INTERVIEW with DEEPAK VOHRA: Doordarshan (Indian T.V.). Feb. 1992. 1/2 hour.
12. INTERVIEW with MONICA ARMENTA: N.B.C. "New Mexico Mornings." Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. Apr. 9, 1992. 1/2 hour.
13. A CONVERSATION with U.G. KRISHNAMURTI: Interview with Dr. Larry Morris. Cable TV Channel 27, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. Apr. 1992. 1/2 hour.
14. INTERVIEW with MR. WILLEM de RIDDER: Dutch T.V. HOLLAND. July 14, 1993. 1 hour.
15. INTERVIEW with DR. LARRY MORRIS: FOX T.V. Channel 14. "Accent: Public Affairs." On behalf of Deborah James. Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. Broadcast Sunday, Dec. 27, 1992. 1/2 hour.
16. INTERVIEW with MR. TED de LUIGI: Italian Television RAI TRE. Rome, Italy. June, 1993. 1 hour.
17. FACE TO FACE: Interview with Ms. Ramola Bachchan. T.V. ASIA (London). June 6, 1993. 1/2 hour.
18. HINDERDENKEN: (Hindering Thinking). Interview with Mr. Willem de Ridder. Dutch Television. Amsterdam, Holland. June 24, 1993. 1 hour. [Missing]
19. INTERVIEW with MR. WILLEM de RIDDER. Dutch Television. Amsterdam, Holland. June 1994. 1 hour.
20. INTERVIEW with MR. WILLEM de RIDDER. Dutch Television, Amsterdam, Holland. September 1990.
Willem de Ridder and Byron Katie interview U.G. Dutch Television,
Amsterdam, Holland. 1998. 50 Minutes.
22. INTERVIEW with Mr. LUC SALA. Kleurnet, Dutch Television. Amsterdam,
Holland. May 15, 2001.
2. Book Review of Mystique of Enlightenment By Harindranath Chatopadhyaya, A.I.R. Bombay, May, 1983.
3. "Discovery:" On K.A.Z.U. Interviewed by: Ms. Barbara Schuler. Seaside, California. May 12, 1989. 1 hour.
4. "New Dimensions," USA. Interviewed by: Michael Toms. Nov. 15, 1989. 1 hour.
5. All India Radio. Interviewed by: M.G. Subramaniam, Director: A.I.R. New Delhi. Dec. 1989. 29 minutes.
6. All India Radio. Newsreel , External Services. Dec. 30, 1989. 10 minutes.
7. "Scope." Second interview with Donald Ingram Smith. Sydney, Australia. March 6, 1990. 30 minutes.
8. "Scope," A.B.C. Interviewed by: Donald Ingram Smith. North Arm Cove, Australia. March 9, 1990. 30 minutes.
9. "Insights." Interviewed by: Paul Collins. A.B.C. Sydney, Australia. March 15, 1990. 30 minutes.
10. Radio 100. Interviewed (live) by: Willem de Ridder. Amsterdam, Holland. February 9, 1990. 2 hours.
11. "Dr. Paul Lynn Show." Interview (live) with U.G. on Health. K.E.S.T (Personal Growth Radio). San Francisco. Nov. 16, 1990. 30 minutes.
12. "Encounter." Interviewed by: Mr. Pavan Varma. All India Radio. New Delhi. March 24, 1991. 29 minutes.
13. "Sunday Night Talk." Interviewed (live) by: John Cleary. Also with: David Milliken, head of Religion for A.B.C. Radio. Sydney, Australia, November 17, 1991. 2 hours.
14. "Kernal's Korner." Interviewed (live) by: Art Schreiber. K.Q.E.O., 920 A.M., Talk Radio, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. April 8, 1992. 1 hour.
15. "Arts and Information Showcase." Interviewed (live) by: Susan Dean. K.H.F.M. (Classical) Radio, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. April 9, 1992. 30 minutes.
16. K.U.N.M. Radio. Interviewed by: George Gray for University of New Mexico Radio. Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. April 10, 1992. 30 minutes.
17. "Arts and Information Showcase." Interviewed (live) by: Susan Dean. K.H.F.M. (Classical) Radio, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. December 13, 1992. 30 minutes.
18. "Transitions." Interviewed by: Alan Hutner. "Coyote Radio," K.Y.O.T. Radio, F.M. Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. December 14, 1992. 30 minutes.
19. "Kernel's Korner." Interviewed (live) by: Art Schreiber. K.Q.E.O. Talk radio 920 A.M., Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. December 18, 1992. 1 hour.
20. Religion Special: "Pause For Thought." ABC (Australia) Interview with U.G. National Radio of New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand. January 1993. [Missing]
21. " Guest of the Week." BBC - World Radio Service. London. June 1993. 20 Minutes.
22. "L'Eternel Present." Interviewed by: Mme. Yvette Rielle. Swiss Romand T.V. & Radio. Lausanne, Switzerland. June 27 and July 4, 1993. 1 hour.
23. A.B.C. Radio. Two more radio interviews. Sydney, Australia. Dec. 12 & 13, 1994. 30 minutes each. [Missing]
24. Interview with Elizabeth Gipps, KUSP. Santa Cruz, California, April 20, 1996.
25. K.P.S.L. 1010 AM Talk Radio. Palm Springs, Ca. Interviewed by William Edelen. November 9, 1997. 1 hour.
26. "Talk Radio" 1395 AM. Interviewed (live) by: Willem de Ridder. Amsterdam, Holland. Mar. 15, 1998, 2 hours.
27. "Talk Radio" 1395 AM. Interviewed by: Willem de Ridder. Amsterdam, Holland. 1999. Instantaneous translation.
1. I AM THAT: by Nisargadatta Maharaj. Compiled by Maurice Frydman. Edited by Sudhakar S. Dikshit. Acorn Press. 1982. Ch 72, p. 348.
2. PERSPECTIVES -- Volume 1, THE NOTEBOOKS OF PAUL BRUNTON: By Paul Brunton. Larson Press. 1984. P. 364.
3. UNKNOWN MAN -- The Mysterious Birth of a New Species: By Yatri Tuscany. Published by: Sidgwick & Jackson, London, England.
4. HISTORY OF THE FUTURE -- A Chronology from 2000 to 3000 A.D.: By Peter Lorie, Sid Murray-Clark. Published by: Pyramid Books. London, England.
5. THROUGH THE LABYRINTH -- Stories of the Search for Spiritual Transformation in Everyday Life: By Peter Occhiogrosso. Published by: Viking-Penguin. New York.
6. THE WONDER OF CHILDHOOD -- Recapturing the Magic: By Peter Lorie. Published by Impala Books. Lancaster, England.
7. HOLY MADNESS: The Shock Tactics and Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise Adepts, Holy Fools, and Rascal Gurus: By Georg Feuerstein. Published by Penguin-Arkana.
8. THE ARROW OF MAN -- The Search for Meaning Beyond Enlightenment: By Michael Barnett. Published by: CEC. 1991.
9. DIALOGUES ON REALITY -- An Exploration into the Nature of Our Ultimate Identity: By Robert Powell. Blue Dove Press. San Diego. 1996.
10. THE MOTHER OF GOD: A mother's account of her experience as a disciple of her own son, a well-known American guru, and of her struggle to free herself from his control: By Luna Tarlo. Published by: Plover Press. C/o Autonomedia, Brooklyn, New York. 1997.
11. LA MOUCHE DU COCHE ou La grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le boeuf: THE USELESS SELF By Jean-Michel Terdjman. Published by: Edition Les Deux Oc�ans. Paris, France. 1997.
12. TEACHINGS EN ROUTE TO FREEDOM -- A Seeker's Quest for Enlightenment: By Madhukar Thompson. Published by: Neti Neti Press. P.O. Box 120, Haiku, HI, 96708, USA. E-mail: neti_neti@yahoo.com. Also, webpage at www.neti-neti.org. 2000.
13. THE QUOTABLE SPIRIT-- A Treasury of Religious and Spiritual Quotations from Ancient Times to the Twentieth Century: Compiled and Edited by: Peter Lorie and Manuela Dunn Mascetti. Macmillan. USA. 1996.
14. EL LIBRO DEL RISVEGLIO -- Detti, intuizioni, poemi che indicano la vera sorgente della vita: A cura di Isabella Di Soragna e Maria Garavaglia. Questo libro e destinato alla diffusione atraverso i Centri Culturali, O.N.L.U.S., librerie associate e a tutti gli Enti senza fine di lucro. Edizione Kappadue. June 2000.
15. STAR IN THE EAST -- KRISHNAMURTI: The Invention of a Messiah. By Roland Vernon. Published by: Palgrave (St. Martin's Press). New York, 2000.
16. SAINTS & SAGES: By M. Sivaramakrishna. Published by: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi-110 016, India. 2001.
17. GOD MEN CON MEN: By Robert Carr. (Includes a VCD of Conversations with U.G.Krishnamurti. Published by: Smriti Books, New Delhi, India. 2003.
18. SPIRITUALLY INCORRECT ENLIGHTENMENT: By Jed McKenna. Published by Wisefool Press. 2004.
19. YOGA OF HEART--THE HEALING POWER OF INTIMATE CONNECTION: By Mark Whitwell. Published by Lantern Books, New York. 2004.
20. THE WAY OF WONDER -- A RETURN TO THE MYSTERY OF OURSELVES: by Jack Haas. Published by Iconoclast Press, Vancouver, BC, Canada. 2002.
21. THIS
IS IT -- DIALOGUES ON THE NATURE OF ONENESS: (Including interviews with
Eckhart Tolle, U.G. Krishnamurti and Tony Parsons). By Jan Kersschot.
Watkins Publishing, London. 2004.
Mehrotra. Penguin Global. 2004.
23. DANCING IN THE DHARMA -- The Life and Teachings of Ruth Denison: by Sandy Boucher. Published by Beacon Press, Boston. 2005.
24. Perfect Brilliant Stillness: Beyond the Individual Self.By David Carse. Published by Paragate Publishing Shelburne, VT. 2006.
25. Darkness Shining Wild: An Odyssey to the Heart of Hell & Beyond: Meditations on Sanity, Suffering, Spirituality, and Liberation, By Robert Augustus Masters, Tehmenos PressNew 2005.
26. Deeksha: The Fire from Heaven by Kiara Windrider (Author) Inner Ocean Publishing, Maui, San Francisco, 2006.
27. GUHA TALKS WITH THE MOTHER OF GOD: Sabyasachi Guha's Conversations with Luna Tarlo, Epigraph Books, Reinebeck, New York, 2012. The book can be downloaded from: http://www.guhasabyasachi.com/
28. ANSONIA CHATTER: Conversations with Sabyasachi Guha. No Publisher. 2012. Printed in Switzerland.
29. POEMS ON THE WAY: By Larry Morris. Published by Hillside Press, Albuquerque, NM. 2005.
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