Undivided Sir,
To write on you is remembering you! What better pleasure can there be! This is:

42. U.G., A Pleasure

1) Tea and tomatoes he does not taste,
Savoring food is our life's pathetic twist,
Chilies and spices to him are a total waste,
When we start to enjoy delicacies, he gives a slap on the wrist!

2) Very few are attracted and the many go their own way,
We are the lucky bees thirsting for the U.G. honey,
He displays no tricks in an effort to sway,
He is my "Poor Indian" who never goes after money!

3) He cuts at the root of our prejudices and pride,
He removes the very desire from our imperfect mind,
From his ammunition of shrapnel no vice can hide,
His is an undivided state and he's one of a kind!

4) For what he descended how can we know?
To show that such a State is there may be a reason!
His state is such that he rarely ever says "No,"
With him by our side it's always spring season!

5) I have rarely seen him sleepy or yawn,
Boredom has no place in his lexicon,
No one knows what he does between night nine and dawn,
With equality he treats a genius and a moron!

6) My life was shallow and hollow till he came into my life,
I was imperfect in my meditation and things were out of order,
He set foot in my life and out went all the strife,
He pulled me back from the border and stated I should never be a hoarder!

7) Poems do no real justice is true,
He is an enigma with many a hue!
He is the jet-setter and we are his cabin crew,
He is levels above perfection for anybody to sue!