14. U.G., The Indian

1)  Born in Gudivada, literally meaning a temple town,
To the state of His birth, Andhra, he is the pride and crown,
He traveled in first class, with his granddad in the second,
Now he flies club class, with the pace quickened!
2)  You prefer to lie in rooms so small,
Confining the one who is the all!
Does not have a thing to call your own,
At the very pinnacle, you are all alone!
3)  Cool climes he chooses, no one knows why?
"To escape from us all," I sibilantly sigh,
He holds an Indian passport, to be a first class citizen,
Says elsewhere you are second-class, all said and done!
4)  When he delivered lectures, the atmosphere was electric,
Now in a state of not knowing, his loud silences do prick,
Sparingly speaks his mother tongue--"Telugu" by name,
Married a brilliant girl who was a triple-M.A. dame.
5)  Tamil he loves, English he talks and Hindi is banned,
A master in cuisine, partakes food spiceless and bland,
These verses on him I inwardly try to prune and croon,
He, the ultimate Indian, poor yet stuck with a golden spoon!
--Sreedhav, the proud Indian