13. U.G. on U.G.

1)  "I was born to kill my mother," oh brother!
" The only guru I ever had was the "other;"
"Found out he was using me to gauge his state;"
"I knew his follies and so I was no mate."
2)  Asks himself "What am I doing here?"
"Right from childhood I never knew fear;"
"I have no message for mankind;"
"Thought is your problem and there is nothing to find."
3)  Paradoxical "get lost and stay lost" is the message!
"My hair is turning black as I slowly age;"
"Whatever I say is from my own experience;"
"I flushed out culture, religion and all holy lessons."
4)  "My daily constitutional is just a car-drive;"
"Dining is also sensual and I eat only to survive;"
"I found out for myself that efforts to control thought were futile;"
"I understood that Sadhana was taking me away from That all the while!"
5)   "I realized that calamity is purely a biological change;"
"If you know how painful the change was, you will run out of range;"
"The ductless glands took over and are running the show;"
"My best advise to you seekers is to just let go."
6)  "I, unlike Rama, sent away my wife in a Boeing;"
"That was when I found out that our relationship was slowly going;"
"How can this Useless Guy be of any help to you?"
"Why write poems on me! You are a total goner through and through!"
--Sreedhav (Towards you, you drew me!)