--Compiled by K. Chandrasekhar
Feb. 2, 1971
"Breaking away from established thinking ... only solution"....
Reporting on U.G.'s address in the local rotary club: If one could do anything in solving problems or in the direction of a new way of thinking, it is only to break away completely and totally from the established process of thinking which is repetitive in nature.
May 8, 1972
Indian Express
Thought beyond its functional capacity, is the enemy of man seems to be the central theme of Mr. U.G. Krishnamurti's way of life. But this positively does not mean that he accepts the diametrically opposite view that life should be lived thoughtlessly. A pure and physical way of living by the five senses without reaching out to be something else, or trying to emulate someone is the approach to living. Here again he clarifies "living by the five senses" as not meaning a sensual life.
February, 1980
An enigma....
Descriptions are always inadequate. Questions are irrelevant, and hence
unanswerable. U.G. is nothing and everything, "nothing" according
to himself and "everything" according to his admirers. He is
no preacher, no God man, no mystic. Perhaps he's an enigma, shrouded in
mystery, with a secret. All that "is" about U.G. is his existence.
Sept., 1980
(Interview with Parveen Babi)
U.G. has been a true friend. He helped me out of the greatest crisis in my life in spite of getting the brunt of it all. Everyone has someone or something to fall back on - a mandir, a man, a God man, etc. I had a friend and that was U.G. He looked after me and took me completely under his wing. But the most incredible news that I had married U.G. I bet the people who wrote it didn't believe it themselves. But I could not follow U.G. forever. I have to live my life myself. And now that I am back I miss him, but I am not lost without him.
Nov. 29, 1980
Indian Express
He says that the two broad capacities man has developed through the centuries, viz., the ability to control events in the environment and the ability to look ahead and prepare himself for all and every conceivable situation in life are the very things that are the cause of man's sorrow. He says that if a man is freed from the burden of culture, be it oriental or occidental, man comes into his own natural state.
Jan. 4, 1981
Deccan Herald
"Somewhere along the line, probably, thought was necessary, but it has now become the enemy of man. Your thoughts are not your own. There are only thoughts but one creates a counter thought - the thinker - with which one reads every thought. Maybe I can convince you not to waste a lot of time and energy looking for a state which does not exist except in your imagination. "... U.G. as quoted in the Review.
Jan., 1981
Cine Blitz
Interview with Parveen Babi
U.G. helped me tremendously during the time of my illness. I regained my balance, I had the strength to embrace life in its entirety. So naturally from being the center point of my existence, U.G. has become a part of my life that I cherish dearly.
April 1982
Smita said: U.G. is a good friend. He is a lovely person to be with. In spite of being an intellectual, he is very easygoing. He has many theories to reveal. His grasp on reality is amazing. He has a tremendous understanding of life. And it is the mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas that has helped me to build up my character, and [helped] in the spiritual development of my mind. I don't go to U.G. because I am sick and unhappy, but because I feel happy when I meet him. He is a real pleasure to be with.
Apr. 15, 1982
Times of Deccan
Biological Revolution ... only way out....
Arthur Koestler in his "Janus -- a summing" writes: "At some point during the last explosive stages of the biological evolution of homo-sapiens something went wrong: there was a flaw, some potential error built into our native equipment -- more specifically, into the circuits of our nervous system, which would account for the streak of paranoia running through our history." He believes that the only way out of this could be through the combination of "benevolent hormones or enzymes" or by "inducing chemical changes in the human body." Almost everything man has done has resulted in deepening his alienation and insecurity: The only way out of this "neurotic hiatus" could be, as U.G. says, through a biological revolution. But the `how' of it has remained a big question. It appears to be far beyond the scope of contemporary biology. Yet our hope seems to lie in it rather than in spirituality.
May 7-21, 1982
Prophet U.G. Krishnamurti - fire-spewing seer - is in town. His estranged son Vasant - a brilliant copy writer credited with the "Thumbs-Up" jingle "Happy days are here again," and producer of the first pop music show on Vividh Bharati, "Thumbs-Up" beat - is seriously ill in a local hospital.
July 4, 1982
Sunday Observer
An honest, muddled, minor voice....
Reviewer is critical of U.G.'s attainments as reported in the book. At the end he adds: "But this much in fairness needs to be added. In an age of manipulative slave masters whose true "avatar" is Rajneesh, U.G. Krishnamurti constitutes an honest, muddled, minor voice, for whom we must be thankful."
National Herald
This book (Mystique of Enlightenment) can and will do more to awe and alarm a wide range of people, especially those who are caught up in the treadmill of traditions, trapped in the currently fashionable teachings of J. Krishnamurti, and also those who are bamboozled by the sensational gimmicks of the gurus of today.
What is our chance of getting into the Natural State? Not a chance, says U.G. In fact, a rapist, a murderer, a con-man, a thief has as much chance, if not a better chance, than all the religious aspirants put together.
Dec. 1984
Where the doctors failed, U.G. Krishnamurti healed her, or so Parveen Babi and her family and friends had insisted, when she got back to her work after her first mental breakdown. A couple of years later, the very same people pointed an accusing finger at the Godman (he hates to be called that) when the Babi, after her second mental illness, disappeared from his fold, never to return.
U.G. says: I know where she is. She is very well. But I am not interested in satisfying the curiosity of the people and am much less interested in providing information to film magazines to fill their pages. If she wants to get in touch with any one of you, she'll do so herself.
Mar. 31-Apr. 6, 1985
Illustrated Weekly of India
"Though he lacks the fame and cachet of his illustrious namesake, J. Krishnamurti, whose acolyte he once was before he rejected him and chose to walk alone, U.G. has found himself a faithful following."
--Mahesh Bhatt recalls his tempestuous association with the raging guru.
Dec. 29, 1985
Times of India
He denies everything. But when you are with him, you feel the presence of a man who has qualities which are ascribed to enlightened men.
(Mahesh Bhatt)
He has no interest in converting people to a specific way of life or
new ideas. He demolishes, without compromise, all the stereotypes without
fashioning new theories. None before him has attempted to present the state
of enlightenment as a neurobiological state of being. What he says is unacceptable
and how he says it is revolting. Yet never have I met or seen a man who
is so certain about what he is saying.
Apr. 24, 1986
Kannada Prabha
"Selfishness is the only reality. The other [reality] is a myth. God is your creation. He is born out of your fear." -- U.G. as quoted in the Review.
May 25, 1986
Illustrated Weekly of India
....begins where J. Krishnamurti ends....
Those who are evaluating the contribution of the two Krishnamurtis to mankind maintain that U.G. Krishnamurti begins where J. Krishnamurti ends. Does it mean that one era has faded out and the new one is fading in?
Sept. 4, 1986
U.G. helps without helping and teaches without claiming to teach anything. The ease one feels in the company of U.G. is incomparable. In his presence you can be absolutely naked without any defenses. This sense of feeling is not a self-protected one, but an objective energy experience. One can ride on it, swim in it, play with it, or waddle in it without any purpose.
Jan., 1987
The God man business doesn't need looks, but U.G. Krishnamurti has an androgynous appeal.
Oct. 7-21, 1987, Bombay
City Magazine
Mahesh Bhatt
Mahesh is quoted: "If I could play Hanuman for an hour, I'd put the torch to U.G. Krishnamurti. He is my friend, philosopher and guide. But he is like the lizard on my wall, a part of my life. He is the only person in my life who arouses a heightened emotion of rage, despair, of helplessness. My dependence on him is the dependence of a cripple on his crutch. And he evokes a gut-level emotion. I hate my dependence on him, my urge to be constantly in touch with him. I dread what would become of me if he were to die. And the fear is so great that it would be a relief to be done with him forever."
Mar. 4, 1988
He [U.G.] rejects everything, all the models, values, and theories of the collective conscious heritage that humankind holds so dear, and he does so with the confidence of a man who has seen through it.
[He says of J. Krishnamurti] "We have given him a stamp. We have all licked it, and stamped him out of existence. What you are left with is empty words and empty phrases."
"Every individual is a savior, not collectively. If he can find out a solution for his problem, maybe there is some hope for mankind as a whole," says U.G.
Mar. 27, 1988
Times of India
"Thought is violence because it is trying to protect itself. There is a basic contradiction in what the body demands and the movement of the thought which is interested in self-perpetuation. There is no such thing as you and me. The totality has created you and me. You have no isolated existence. The demand of being an individual is the real cause of suffering. The "how" is absent for me. The "how's" dished out in the market-place are not for me. The one who is living doesn't ask how to live." --U.G. as quoted in the Review.
"My hunger has not been satisfied by anything offered by teachers alive or unborn. I have stumbled into a situation where the very demand to be free isn't there."--U.G. as quoted in the Review.
Dec. 11, 1988
Illustrated Weekly of India
(Mahesh Bhatt)
Man has to be saved from God. There is no power outside man. The question of God is irrelevant to man Today.
Mahesh recalls his stormy relationship with Bhagawan Rajneesh, the man who dared to play God successfully. "But at the end of it all he is just an entertainer. A pleasure peddler." Mahesh also recalls U.G.'s statements.
Mar. 11, 1989
Kushwant Singh
U.G., whose teaching was described as destructive as Siva in his role of a destroyer, became veritably an "Ardhanari".
Mar. 19, 1989
Sunday Observer
"He who buys and reads this book needs must be a damn fool" said U.G. when I asked him about his own impressions about the book, "Mind is a Myth" ... You are not a very nice man, U.G., you know. If you rob the average man of the illusions of his life, you rob him of his happiness at one stroke.
April 1989
(Review of Rajiv Mehrotra's TV interview)
...U.G. Krishnamurti in a recent interview. What he was trying to say, we think, was that there is nothing to say really.
April 9, 1989
"How can you call me a God man when I am saying God is irrelevant?
I don't want to debase myself by accepting the label...I have no interest
in saving people. Much less the world."
May-June, 1989
Mountain Path
U.G. has no following, gives no public talks, writes no strictures, and offers no solutions to man's mounting problems. He is a private citizen living in a house by the side of the road, talking informally with those who appear at his door. A book of vibrant talks with a babe bellicose in its innocence. A standpoint which has still to include rejection itself in its ambit of sweeping acceptance. And so, a half-baked "ribhu gita", but still a full-fledged knock-out.
Dec. 18, 1989
San Francisco Chronicle
(Don Lattin:)
U.G. and J.K. have similar messages, only U.G.'s is more radical, more controversial, more hopeless. Categorizing U.G. is not easy. He has been called a guru, as well as the "un-guru". Some see him as a philosopher, while "anti-philosopher" may be more to the point. Words such as cynic, nihilist, and iconoclast could also be used to describe this disarming, charming, alarming little man. U.G. Krishnamurti is the Don Rickles of religion. He makes Madalyn Murray O'Hare, the infamous atheist, look pious. What we call religion, U.G. said, began somewhere along the evolutionary process when humans -- unlike the rest of the animals -- began feeling self-conscious and separate from nature. Humanity, he says, long ago started down the path of total annihilation and absolutely nothing can be done to save it. Have a nice day.
Dec. 24-30, 1989
Sunday Mail
U.G. - the last of the nihilists, debunks God, religion, even culture. "There is nothing like enlightenment, so stop searching," he says recommending a natural state where the intelligence of the body takes over sans the stranglehold of thought.
Dec. 29, 1989
U.G. is reported to have said: "She is not mad. You have a Bhagavan
living in Pune. He announced to the wide world and is still repeating that
nonsense that the President and the Attorney General of the United States
poisoned his food. Why do people swallow all that? Why don't they call
him a loony and put him in a loony bin where he should be singing loony
tunes and mad melodies? This woman says that Amitabh Bachan poisoned her
food. You call her mad ... I am not running a clinic for mentally disturbed
people. She should go and see some psychiatrist if she is in trouble."
Jan. 7, 1990
Sunday Observer
Kushwant Singh:
What irritates U.G. is that despite his denunciation of religion and god men, a growing number of religiously inclined men and women hang on to every word he says and regard him as a modern messiah. According to him the cause and effect theory was fallacious and operated within the religious framework. While he agreed with me that death was a full stop to consciousness, he holds that our atomic existence continued in a different shape. That also I could not comprehend. I gave up the battle --- He had too many words in his armory for me to contend with. He has spiritual energy of demonic proportions.
Jan. 7, 1990
Indian Post
"U.G., why are you going public? Why this change?"
"I don't want to be stigmatized as a religious teacher. Life is fire, it does not tolerate anything dead. Your ideas are dead. They falsify life. ... I say, drop the crutches. You may fall, but I know you will rise. I will not give you a helping hand. ... All relationships are based on mutual gratification. The whole thing springs from isolation. We are isolated from the rest of creation, from the rest of life around us."
Feb. 5, 1990
Deccan Herald
"To call me a Godman is an insult not just to me but to God also" says U.G. Money, itself, is high on his agenda and he makes no bones about it. For a god man, U.G. is incredibly down-to-earth. He walks down to the Basavanagudi post office to buy stamps, hitch-hikes to Gandhi Bazar to buy a mosquito net and loves instant coffee.
Dec. 29, 1990
Illustrated Weekly of India
Cosmic Naxalite....
Undeniably, the most revolutionary master of our times, he has rightly been described as a "cosmic naxalite". Extremely informal, he heads no organization and does not believe in the personality cult or in a following. He wants mankind to be saved from the so-called saviors. He is convinced that the messiahs have created the mess that the people find themselves in.
Jan., 1991
Mountain Path
Treacherous territory right from the start. The man stirs up the cobwebs of dogma-and-doctrinaire rigidity. He forces his audience to question the foundation of fondly cherished beliefs and opinions. "The Sage and the Housewife" - her affection for him often borders on adoration, which is hardly endearing to an objective reader, yet the anecdotes expose a gentle and sensitive aspect of U.G. which renders him more likable than that obtained in the question-answer format of "Thought is your Enemy."
This book achieves a reasonable bridging of the sense of distance I felt from the first book.
Mar. 23, 1991
Delhi Midday
"All talk of moksha, nirvana, search for truth is pure hoax practiced by spiritual con men. Love is fascist, sex is violence, thinking is born out of some neurological defect in the human body." U.G. as quoted in the Review.
Mar. 25, 1991
National Herald
Communism, as a political ideology, has turned into another warty outgrowth of the old religious thought. He thinks that Mr. Gorbachev has "sold out" to the West. He has done his part and the Soviet people should pass him by. U.G., however, warns that all sorts of religious sects will attempt to fill the vacuum created by the collapse of communism and will take the masses for a ride.
Mar. 28, 1991
Indian Express
"Why are you talking to me? You earn a living by talking to me after all," U.G. tells the reporter.
This search for solutions is futile, as any solution that people think they find is no different from earlier solutions. Why is everyone so afraid of anarchy? It is because they do not want change or disorder. What is order anyway?
Apr. 6, 1991
Times of India
Looking to Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti for solace can be like journeying to the Sahara to escape summer. It does not help. He offers nothing. "We are not really interested in getting rid of our problems", says U.G. "Because by getting rid of our problems, we will also lose ourselves as we know and experience it." When your goals and needs are the same, it all becomes very simple. Then you have enough energy to devote to living problems. There is the $120,000 dollars that Valentine set up as his travel fund and he receives the interest on it every year, $4,000 for his air tickets and $1,000 a month as out-of-pocket expenses. He gives it all away. In a couple of years, half the fund will go to a kindly Indian family that looked after Valentine in her last years. "Then I will have to go and sit in some cave", laughs U.G.
Apr. 15, 1991
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
There is something about his eyes and his voice which is extremely attractive. His gray hair falling on an intriguing face only adds to his charm. I could stare at U.G. Krishnamurti forever. I never saw U.G. as a god man or a Guru ... That is why, when I saw him on DD, having a dialogue with Bhatt, U.G. made me sit up. For the first time I realized why Mahesh was obsessed with him.
Apr. 21, 1991
Sunday Midday
Review of Mahesh's TV Interview:
"I have come to the conclusion that the human beings suffer from a neurological disorder of the brain which can be corrected with chemicals. But Mankind is not ready for it as yet," says U.G.
Apr. 21, 1991
Indian Express
Mr. Chandrasekhar (ex-Prime Minister of India) said that it was a privilege to meet a person of the stature of U.G.
July 21, 1991
Deccan Herald
U.G. also talks like J.K. The similarities don't end there. Their faces have a striking resemblance. Both of them choose similar idioms. Both share a Theosophical Society background. In the course of time, both rebelled against it. But while J.K. spoke calmly, U.G. gets provoked easily. He is loud and informal. In fact, he even becomes angry when you try to discuss J.K. with him.
On music: "It is the space between two notes and melody. The same is true of languages also."
On noise: "I will never reject the noise out there. It really doesn't matter whether I listen to the traffic noise or some popular music."
On emotions: "I am not involved emotionally, and if there is something demanding my total attention, it doesn't have to be a sunrise or sunset. My listening is just like this tape-recorder recording whatever we are talking without bothering about correcting or rejecting."
Dec, 21, 1991
National Herald
He resents what he calls the "the stigma of being a guru"
and the fact that only those in need of religious guidance come to him.
He also resents being called an iconoclast, saying that he is not interested
in destroying anything but delights in making statements that shock the
religious sensibilities.
Jan. 3, 1992
Delhi Midday
(Frank Naronha)
It was Emerson who said that if you wanted your neighbor to believe in God, first show him what God has made you like. By this standard, I am sure I will not inspire any curiosity in anybody to meet this unparalleled person. When I had known U.G. twenty years ago he was a small flame in far-off hills. The way now the U.G. flame is spreading, it seems, it is going to engulf the world soon. Mankind will not be able to ignore this man. He is like a vast canvas on which you can paint yourself. The design, the shape, the structure that appears on the canvas are your own.
Jan. 5, 1992
Kannada Prabha
U.G. resents being compared to Buddha, Ramana, etc. He calls his state a "Natural State". There have been many in the past who talked in this strain. But he is the only one who decried everything that man has held sacred and valuable and yet is called a "Jnani".
Jan. 7, 1992
Hindustan Times
"My opinion is not of more importance than that of the girl making coffee inside. All that man had thought, felt, and experienced before me is flushed out of my system."
No big deal, anyone can talk like that. But then, who dares to do it?
Nov. 29, 1992
Sunday Midday
In an age where hope is sought and given, in a sprinkling of ashes, he offers none. Yet, the faithful flock to him. The remarkable life and times of the anti-guru.
Dec. 12-18, 1992
Illustrated Weekly of India
Mahesh Bhatt
In his biography of one of India's most enigmatic thinkers, Mahesh Bhatt recounts U.G. Krishnamurti's experience of the rarest of all transformations - the death and rebirth of an ordinary human being.
(Review of U.G. Krishnamurti: A Life)
Jan. 10, 1993
Mahesh Bhatt should stick to making films. This book is nothing short of a complete disaster. Fashioned as a biography, it is neither a definitive account of U.G. Krishnamurti's life and teachings nor an honest, down-to-earth portrayal of Bhatt's own relationship with him. Ironically, though Krishnamurti debunks all gurus, he appears to have played precisely that role in the lives of many. One expected better from the director who displayed considerable emotional depth in films such as "Saransh" and "Arth".
Jan. 17, 1993
Lokmat Times
"Today, when the book [his Biography of U.G.] is out I am happy to find that all has not been in vain. Each time I stare, secretly, at my book sitting on a book shelf amongst a crowd of big names, I feel grateful to myself for not giving up."--Mahesh Bhatt.
Perhaps without meaning to, Mahesh Bhatt has written a kind of everyman's
guide to spiritualism. For those interested in U.G.'s life and works, the
book with all its jerks is an invaluable asset. U.G. comes across as human
and fallible, not always a likeable person.
Jan. 24, 1993
Deccan Chronicle
U.G. Krishnamurti is of course the archetypal anti-guru. He declares loudly that he has no message for anybody. No guru has ever claimed that he has nothing to say, and this makes him different. He seems to practice an extreme form of humanism where God is neither necessary nor sufficient. However, precisely because he is anti-everything that mankind has traditionally believed in, U.G. is fascinating, even exciting. When a guru has nothing to offer we can only admire him and see some of the effects he has on man and nature. We are unable to emulate him because the secret is hidden from us.
Mar. 14-20, 1993
Sunday Observer
To him the human being is a bio-chemical organism. That's all. And the body itself is very intelligent, concerned with only its survival. U.G. takes us to the brink of the abyss, exhausting the potential of Krishnamurti's philosophy and, indeed, destroying it. While this makes him "a festering splinter that never goes away" to quote one of his followers, he does perform the salutary and necessary function of clearing whatever garbage and debris was left behind by Krishnamurti. I think he has made a positive contribution to the continuously evolving discourse of self-discovery and emancipation. All his negativism only functions to clear away every kind of falsehood from our lives.
Mar. 25, 1993
Business Standard
So, that is U.G., the man who doesn't claim to have any special powers. And yet his charisma and the simple lack of pretense drew a huge following. U.G. was a different Guru in that he did not "help" his disciples but convinced them that they are master of their own destiny.
Mar. 27, 1993
Hindustan Times
As it is, one is baffled by this picture of a totally negative human
being - one who specializes in despair and destruction, and yet seems to
have the affection and respect of so many. A more professionally competent
biographer might yet write a book on U.G. which enlarges our comprehension.
Sept. 12, 1993
Deccan Herald
Biographies ought to be, by definition, rigorous in their scholarship, committed to authentic details and objective in the assessment of their subject. Judged from these standards, Mahesh Bhatt's biography of U.G. Krishnamurti is, to put it mildly, disappointing. A strange aura has been growing around U.G. Mahesh Bhatt doesn't reject any of this, nor does he view it with any suspicion. If anything, he succeeds in mystifying U.G. further.
May 29, 1994
Sunday Midday
"What kind of human being do you want on this globe? The only answer to this human problem, if there is any answer, is not to be found through new ideas, new concepts or new ideologies, but through bringing about a change in the chemistry of the human body. You may think as a pacifist today, but tomorrow if everything you have were to be taken away from you, I would not be surprised if you were to kill me, in spite of the fact that you claim to be my best friend."--U.G., as quoted in the Review.
July 3, 1994
Kathmandu Post
In my lexicon, this man is a spiritual terrorist who wants to blow up all the rotten images of Gods created by the frenzy of fertile minds. For me, there is nothing wrong in his terrorism. I too want to believe in not-believing. U.G.'s maverick personality gives me solace and shows a way in this human jungle. But, ultimately, U.G. is not what we think or write about him.
July 17, 1994
Sunday Midday
"Science is as much a menace to mankind as any other system of thought. We have no doubt reaped immense benefit from the discoveries of science which has resulted in hi-tech and technology. But can you get away from this fact that its benefits have not percolated down to the common man? Science is as much an aberrant as religion is. Unfortunately it has become a handmaiden of the state and tool in the hands of the leaders of mankind."--U.G. as quoted in the Review.
Oct. 30, 1994
Sunday Midday
"When you have lost faith in everything, health becomes an obsession. Nutritional wisdom cannot stop the aging process. One day through genetic engineering the process of aging can be delayed, but it cannot be stopped. Your willingness to accept man as just a biological being like any other species on this planet is responsible for your misery. Man is nothing but a fortuitous concourse of atoms. Death occurs only when there is a need for the reshuffling of atoms. The sum total of energy remains the same. The only everlasting love, the only undying love affair it seems to me, is with myself. This unabashed, un-held-back affection for oneself and acceptance of death are mutually exclusive."--U.G. as quoted in the Review.
June 1995
Mountain Path
Larry Morris has given us a delightful collection of so-called poems (epiphanies would be a better description) about his relationship with that scourge of fossilized traditions of God-fearing seekers, viz. U.G. himself. Iconoclast extraordinaire and unabashed scoundrel, in short, a "useless guy".