Maciunas stamp Was a key to the book-object-without-a-key actually meant to be with the book, or was its absence deliberate? Caydance pondered these questions as she inserted a slide of George Brecht's Closed on Mondays - A Flux Game into her hand-held slide viewer and held the viewer up to the oriel window.

In Jean Brown’s collection, the version of this Fluxus multiple was a black plastic box. It might originally have held plastic checkers or chess pieces. But now, it was glued permanently shut. The top of the box was covered with a photograph of dark double doors on which the title of the object was graffiti-ed. In front of the doors was a group of children. Some sitting. Some standing. Some playing in sand or dirt.

studio icon In class discussion of this work, her students were likely to point out that although the text said "Closed on Mondays, the box was always closed. And once a student had wondered if this 1969 work was a reference to the Berlin Wall.