morning view Although preparing slides and a lecture was an interesting and enjoyable process; preparing for discussion at this point in the semester involved unknowns. Every mix of students was different.

The good news, Caydance thought as she looked out the window at the September morning sun illuminating San Francisco Bay, was that not much class prep remained for next week's class. She reached for the notebook in which she regularly scrawled unreadable todo notes. "From Judith's narrative", she wrote, "it is likely that the icons on the outside surface of the book object without a key are pointers to where the key was hidden. It is also likely that unlocking the book will reveal the identity of the artist. 1. Revisit and codify the images on the exterior."

arrow "Whether the weather on the day of our beach date", she wrote, "will require jeans and a sweater or a bathing suit or both is unpredictable at this time of year. 2. Buy a new bathing suit."