On the telephone, Edelira asked Caydance what she planned to wear on her Sunday Beach date.

"Sometimes a seemingly simple task becomes a day-long adventure story," Caydance responded. "Like when an art supply store is unexpectedly out of 01 blue ink micron pens, and that is the only pen that you desire, but you know that if you cross the Bay Bridge to Berkeley, you will find it."

"It began with an unsuccessful shopping morning in Union Square," she continued. "At home I flipped through my treasured LL Bean's catalog, but when I saw their bathing suits, I was sad, so I went to Fisherman's Wharf for a change of scenery and a sidewalk lunch, and there in a shop window was almost exactly what I sought: a French Venetian lace-trimmed liberty blue bikini top, over which I will wear a white shirt. And over the relatively conservative mid-waist liberty blue bottom that came with the bikini top, I will wear khaki shorts."

arrow "Ah... the Gods of second date bikinis have smiled on you", Edelira replied.