On the masthead of a letter that Judith had sent her concerning showing her work, there was a telephone number. Caydance dialed it. Judith answered.

The funding for the catalog had not come in, Judith began. This occurred with some frequency. At this point she was not sure that the catalog would happen. But it was good to see Caydance at the "Language and its House" lecture at Media, and Judith would be in San Jose in October for the Experimental Artists Books exhibition at Works. Would Caydance be there?

Caydance responded that although she had been in touch with Margaret Stainer about this exhibition, she was not yet sure whether or not she would go, but that was not why she was calling. She related the story of how she had been commissioned to find the creator of an artists book with a lock but no key. Gave Judith a detailed description of this object.

arrow "A while ago, after a lecture in Pasadena," Judith began, "an artist approached me about a series of works he was making that began image-based narratives on the outside. In each work, the conclusion to the narrative was locked inside."