100 boots In addition to its content, Mojo Navigator Rock and Roll News was interesting to this class because it was started -- with 100 copies on August 8, 1966 -- by recent high school grads David Harris and Greg Shaw, using a mimeograph machine somewhere near Golden Gate Park, and because it was an influential precursor to Rolling Stone.

“When Mojo Navigator appeared”, Caydance told her class, “musicians began talking to Harris and Shaw. Content centered on interviews, news, and reviews, covering, among many others, in its 1966-1967 14 issues: Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, The Doors, Sly Stone, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, Jerry Garcia, and the initial appearances of the Velvet Underground. The art director, Geoff Evans, was important because there was about Mojo Navigator, a compelling look and feel.”

arrow Her treasured issue began to circulate around the classroom, It was the August 1967 issue, with Jimi Hendrix playing in the Panhandle on the cover.