The Guardian The board game icon – as if setting the stage with the very images that she had not yet explored -- showed two mini-images on the left side -- the G-clef from the fragment of a score and a photo of the uninvited work of public art called The Guardian. On the right-hand top was the image of a key. The other 8 spaces were vacant. It was likely, she thought, that the opening bars of music announced the search for the key, and the sculpture was resonant of guerrilla art installation. Did the artist purposefully leave the book object on a Silicon Valley antique store doorstep? Which antiques store? She had put in a call to Major Knox Silicon Valley Ventures, but as yet, no one had responded.

arrow Meanwhile -- from Judith's information and from the gameboard progression to the key -- finding the key was clearly core to the mystery. Creating her own gameboard would be a seriously needed distraction from the memory of Sunday's beach day and the restless five days before next Saturday afternoon in the Stanford Stadium and next Saturday night with Griff McGuire, who had made his intentions clear.