"When I was at your place", Edelira began, "looking at the icons on the paper tail of that odd artists book without a key, my eyes strayed to the images painted on the exterior and specifically to the notes of music. I went home humming that song; knew that tune from somewhere, could not remember where. Until I saw that plastic palm tree on a street vendor's table."

"Caydance, it was on one of your records: you played that record over and over." Edelira began to sing: "'Well, I gave up all my sculpturing; because my life had gone all sad.". She paused, waited for Caydance's off-key voice: to join her on the telephone.

arrow "'So they put me on the assembly line; putting plastic leaves on plastic palms; …It weren't art but it weren't wrong.'". Caydance sang, slightly off key. "Terry Allen. "It makes sense that Terry Allen's plastic palms song keys this book. The theme is clearly identity. Changed identity Unexpected identity."

"Yes, but the concerns we've discussed about the identity of the artist still lurk in the background. On another front, if it all goes wrong on Saturday night, I hope you are home."