arrow "Your house is always enchanting; the food incredible. Will Juanjose decide to return to Miami?"

"After the defeat of Dalila, everything went better than expected. The food was good. As regards deflecting criticism from his parents and sisters, it was helpful that Beto and Benita manned the grill and that Juanjose helped me in the kitchen. Sooo, after a few rounds of Mojitos, we were all family. And ohh ...the Cuban rum cake I made was heavanly."

Edelira sighed. "That said, I see what you mean about Juanjose's identity, compared to what it is in the Mission. In Miami, his family expectations are very different. ...Now to you. Where did you say you and Griff spent Saturday night?"

arrow Caydance had not yet told Edelira that not far from Santa Cruz, Griff owned a house with a view to the ocean. "At his beach house", she replied.