She listened to Rich Gold talk; explained why she was asking. Would he have any idea why an image from LCP was on the exterior of a locked artists book and that image was part of a trail to find a key and unlock the book -- inside of which the identity of the creator of the book would probably be revealed. "There are indications that it was created by an artist called Mackie Alarie who has disappeared from the Bay Area."

arrow "Mackie Alarie? I haven’t seen him recently, but I do know him. Is there anything on the book object that tells you that before Mackie went to SFAI, he began his education as a computer science and engineering student at Cal? If fluctuating identity is a repeated theme, that is most likely why LCP is among the icons."

"Oh." Caydance paused. "Do you know a venture capitalist named Major Knox?"

"No, but every now and then I hear his name whispered."