road home "You have two Dads?" Caydance picked up the conversation as they slowed down through Boulder Creek and then accelerated on the now familiar way home to Palo Alto.

"One is my Father, whose name is Claude Griffin McGuire; the other is a football coach, whose name is Don James. There are many players whose names you know because he shepherded them to the NFL. I was vulnerable when I arrived at the University of Washington. Mom was far away in Montreal. Dad was devastated. If I hadn't been there to send out for dinner, I think he would have wasted away, running math problems and playing games on the computer he built in the basement. That summer, we ate a lot of pizza. Also, fast food fried chicken, submarine sandwiches from the corner grocery, and takeout barbeque with mashed potatoes and gravy"

arrow "That is a sad story." Caydance remarked.