"The first to arrive... The first to arrive," she repeated, as if it was both a title and a beginning, "was Juanjose -- followed in a few minutes by Filiberto, aka Berto or sometimes Beto, his younger brother who is studying Music at Miami Dade and Beto's girlfriend Benita, down for the weekend from Ringling, where she is studying printmaking."

"'We are the advance guard. Separate for a minute, you two" -- Berto addressed these words to Juanjose and I, who were kissing passionately. I was wearing a green silk skirt, a black velvet top and those earrings you gave me for Christmas. Juanjose was handsome in a black shirt with turquoise trim and black jeans. Introductions were made. Beto and Benita were the first of Juanjose's family that I had met. Immediately, I liked them."

Edelira paused for a minute. Continued. "But there was a problem. 'We are here early to protect you from a serious problem," Berto announced. It involves Dalila.'"

arrow "'Dalila? nooo. Safely married last I heard. If you two set the grilling in motion and leave Edelira and I alone for a long time, that will be your brotherly deed for the day.'"