Griff would, Caydance surmised want to drive her car since the corollary to "Raiders men pay for restaurant dinners with women" was probably "Raiders men drive". Neither of these scenarios ever occurred in the art world, but Caydance was not unaware of identity issues in the radically changed circumstances of Griff's life.

"Works for me. Stanford catering will probably show up on the chartered flight home from Eugene, but I will have a light super ready when you get here, so we can sit down together."

"Works for me", he said. In a situation where each wanted to say, "I love you", and they both knew it was too soon, there was a telephone silence into which Caydance interjected Jack's removal of the BOWAK, Duty free Japanese beer, and Jack's plan to visit on Sunday afternoon.

arrow "Your brother's BOWAK intervention, Japanese beer, and Sunday afternoon visit are welcome. Since he returns from Japan, he has probably heard that at the end of November we are going to Tokyo to play Arizona in the Olympic Stadium. Coach plans to lock us up in the hotel, while Arizona parties on the town", he sighed.