In the initial awkward silence that resulted from her question. Caydance imagined Griff's (coincidental to her Wednesday lunch at Greens), Wednesday happy hour at Clancy's. "Just a bunch of retired offensive and defensive lineman, retired linebackers, and retired defensive backs. It was not an invitation I could refuse."

At Greens, Cory broke the silence. "A while ago", I was on a committee to which a case was brought that you should know about. It involved an incident that occurred when in an ArtWeek review, a professor in my Department criticized Mackie Alarie's work. Alarie invited her to his studio ostensibly to discuss the review in the context of his other work. But when she got there, he locked her in. Thankfully, while he struggled with the stuck zipper on his pants, she escaped out a window."

arrow Cory paused, and then said. "Since Alarie was no longer a student or associated with the school, there was not much we could do, and what the professor herself did is confidential. However, to be on the safe side, if you need to meet him, do it in the open in a public space."