The walls of La Mamelle had been painted black since the Performing/Performance series. The ceiling also was black. Theatrical lighting isolated figures in this dark-night-redolent space. Caydance was wearing thriftshop-purchased grey jeans and black velvet top.

view There was always something about being in that artists space at night, when the city-streets journey and the entrance staircase were a part of the experience. Maybe it was the lighting, maybe it was the charismatic artists who were there. This time, there was heightened excitement -- as if everyone knew they were on the threshold of uncharted virtual space.

arrow Caydance gave Carl a slide sheet with images of the book object. Asked if when he had time, could he identify the granite steps and the location of the slide-illustrated Thiebaud cakes. He added the slide sheet to the top of a sizeable pile of unfinished business on his desk, offered her a Rainer Ale. Another beer brand was offered at the bar, but Rainier Ale was always available in Carl's office. One can of Rainier Ale, and Caydance was flying.